
Monday, February 22, 2021

#Today #HopInside #LetsRide #LayYourBlanketOnTheGround #TrucksJackedUp #ThisIsHowWeRollToo #HandsUP

Pictures appear to mankind, all blinded by Light, pictures are all of It, invisibility of an empty Void
Minds together, hemisphere left and right split apart into shards of broken glass, extinction Fraud
Nobody's left when you die, we leave & that's the gist of it, self realization, facts of star-fire strife
Begins at the origin, spontaneous combustion with no Will natural selection, bible of no afterlife.

Meaning nothing but the end of Time in this Space, the sheep are there, cows are there, it's a sin
Milked out and dried to the bone, Nothing is left over at the table, it's not underneath the ground
Bury the bones and forget about the sticks and stones thrown, no regrets in retreat, losers all win
Follow nobody, tweet nobody, private message nobody, post to nobody, become as one Shao-lin.

Master of Nothing, proud boys & girls who know their mother and father, grandparents one atom
Uncommon humanity, domination is a mystery, what'll be will be, ground control beats a tomtom
Monkeys mock the others, repeat the behavior and then die laughing or crying, it's smart & final
One day after your spirit within allows your organs to deteriorate into simple atoms of a pretzel.

Look at me as I look at you, a ghost in a machine that animates and puts the Self within as God
Like a speck of invisible charm, the luck of the random Rhondas and Rambos is what made blood
Blue inside the veins, red inside the arteries, the transformation of ignorance to enlightenment
Becomes all there is at the End, when you are One, there are no others, selfish being is sufficient.

Necessary to complete the mission to the finale of the play on this stage, this plane of mamas
Everything in the theory is refuted and concluded in retrospect, an accident, no fault of papas
A gamete rocks and rolls from the ends of time, turns into a knucklehead or genius of the mind
Hair shaved, skin smooth, monkeys nature is a distant and dim recollection of a mankind blind.

Flowers from the buds, buds from the stems and seeds that you don't need, Cheech & Chonging
Along the riverbeds and the riversides between the valleys of desert and garbage dumps, I sing
Notes and the melodies I learned by being conceived in a dark place, empty womb, my egg room
From that One day, I'm here & now to bleed the Truth from the severed bloodline, demon doom.

Apart from the hide, there is Time to become sincere, to know & tell the Truth, light-blind Seed
I'm orphaned and you are the saved, your mommy and daddy will be there even if they're buried
Underground in a box or burned into smoke and dusty chunks of DNA, it's certainty trust me girl
Or out if not in, it's the appearance of what can't be denied, God's Unconscious is a swirl of whirl!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Lundi, 2-22-2021 Anno Domini @ 04:11 hours AMPST
{ Drafted in the frosty AM & finished @ 04:44:44 hours PST while listenin' to #RollWithIt by @StevieWinwood link @ https://youtu.be/u_vkKozA8OI & @BrothersOsborne #ShootMeStraight link @https://youtu.be/fUv3J4PVsyk }

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