
Sunday, February 28, 2021

#PickledOnions & #Marlboros #AMillionBux

Sometimes you just gotta laugh because if you don't you're gonna cry, goin' bald on a high top
Why is the nature of the beast within more like a conglomeration of atomic slop, nuts slip slop
If and only if the conclusions of the arguments are logical and rational, then we will all know it
Know what?  Know why humans and all of life on Earth exists even if there's a holy hell below.

Because if there is a Hades and if there is no heaven above this atmospheric punks' boneyard
This blown bit of matter from the Nova sun, our closer star 93 million miles away, smokin' sea
Lightspeed from Ra, this sun of the solar system Milky Way, a galaxy of protoplasmic hardlard
Bare & naked were all of the females, only the humans had the great cover up, he was so shy.

Buying the time & buying the votes makes no sense, who would vote for someone for a price?
No self respecting naked ladies would cast their ballots by mail, in person or not voting by ICE
Please give me your opinion even if it sucks to be you, kidding of course, I respect your opine
Give up on your friends, relatives and enemies, they're of no consequence, I cut ahead in line.

Earth you know and I know is all we've got, be reasonable and rational without your blind faith
Nothing wrong with blind faith if it's better than the Truth because y'all can't handle the Truth
It's too awesome for some minds who don't handle the shock of reality well, they'll freak it out
Minds blown and in basket-case men and women in pajamas & kimonas as I will twist & shout.

Cruising the streets at night when all of the people either sleep, watch TV or listen to talk radio
Gets your consciousness in the place in Space where the living go to die, all alone without dough
Money won't help the jive, nothing is for sale, above or below the #YMCA, fuel of Malibu queens
Sons of the galatic force underground to the netherworld of dreams that are not Truth's beans.

For no reason, you're here with me, keep it in mind, there's no reason for it at all, a ruse, son
To be or not to be is not the only question, here's one, only old dead men knew the answer to
Standard equipment of the five senses are useful only for a short time, all machines need gogo
Tune-ups & repairs of failed parts created into bare, naked ladies, evolving states of extinction.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Sunday, February 28th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 4:10 PMPST
{ Drafted while gettin' in tune for a slice of the scalpel because I ate the food and drank the wine of mankind, good, bad & ugly, it's all my fault, I ate it all, I drank it all & drafted you in the first round after I traded my best secrets & listenin' to the #CPAC2021 & listenin' to the #Indemnification in 10000Hz link @ https://youtu.be/jcUdaQkbfc4 }


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