
Friday, April 30, 2021

#FallinForTheFirstTime #AGAIN #SurroundedBy#@

You have the two dogs under control so no whining anymore, it's all 'bout the rapid ice drips
Ending up dead and gone is the way of the wise derrieres, who knows this is a scam of trips?
Nothing to worry about after you figure it all out, why you're here and where you're going
After this life, when you can't see or hear anything without a body, a soul full of hood sting.

To whom it won't concern, you all need to know the meaning of the Kool-Aid drunken stupor
Business and pleasure all in one ball of confusion, where you don't know anything but a whore
Sons and daughters meowing like alley cats, gettin' away with the stolen books nobody reads
Words all bustin' a killer rhyme, bad and positive waste of the food digested, know the kids?

Amoeba and paramecium alive in pond scum & Doom, here we are in & out of an A-bomb blow
Neighbors in mean streets, hiding in gangways 'round the corners, slippin' in town down or 7up
Amended the theorems and strapped the heat, put me down in a deep hole, never get out now
It's my mind that's all gone, it's the thing they wanted to punish, the mind slipped, can't get up!

In solitary without paper or pen, just my chit on the walls, stinks but it's what I got, it ain't chit
Babies and old folks who were grand, parental role models to leave their influence on the byte
All too human or divine, above or below the top of the palm and redwood trees, born or abort
Locked in and out of sight, once things themselves have changed enough to become the Squirt.

Thought forming from a movin' program of future and past tenses, presence of being in a daze
In and out of the restaurant to eat the dead animals and plants, left over to Gold's purple haze
Water under the bridge isn't moving any longer, it's frozen & nobody cares except the two dice
Rolled against the wall for craps, snake's eyes or whatever can't win, I'm all in now, I am #Lies!

You got a light?  You got a match?  You need to quench your thirst and satiate your hot hungers
For the diamonds and the gold left over before the gods died and left the kings' pyramid burgers
Wind due to the revolution, the spin and the wobble of the tomb of bones turned dust, oh Earth
Place in outerspace, 93 million miles from vintage conundrums, smooth criminal origin sin birth.

Sundown or sunrise is just the Word for the appearance of the ones blinded by light, mixed it up
Clear truth and innuendo moving you from the ignorance of innocence to the wisdom of the dead
Many lived and left the scribble of their mind on the dead sheets of tree, glued and stapled to Ra
Inside or outside, strokin' the pyramids, buried the source to save it from a bang, dead man hand.

Aces high, I win every time, got a king, a queen and a jack of every suit, it's my kitty, royal flushin'
Cheated once, got shot and killed and now, I always win because I am in charge of this death sin
Repeating the same mistake over and over thinking that it might be different the next time, #tilt
Never play me man, I shake down pinball games, I shiver creepin' into corpse shells, rats, beat IT!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  FRIDAY, April 30th, 2021 Anno Domini
{  Blurted out while listenin' to @MichaelJackson #25DoggoneGirlIsMine link @ https://youtu.be/RVKjERPfE5s  & @BareNakedLadies link @ https://youtu.be/Pv7kodfFXpA }

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