
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

#TheSecondAfterTheFirst #QuestionsNotAnswers

c.  MonaLisa @LeonardodaVinci

Nobody but your soul and bones are responsible for your conception in this walk of thug-life
Reason in the dream may not make a difference to the random stimuli that you call alewife
Or husband or just a life partner for the tax write-off, an imaginary allotment to your NFT
Why and when can you start?  Yesterday or tomorrow, today is out of the question for me.

Completely insane but utterly conscious of the requirement for Blind Faith to fake it, happy too
Which witches and warlocks are directing the energy and matter to implode on a mixed brew
From everything that stinks and looks beautiful, the spell is cast and the smoke's on water, see
Full blue moon came up after sundown, everything still remains the same the next day but me.

Power from the explosion containment and a force to blow it all off the face of the Earth, high
Between the windows and mirrors, it's the glass that's left after the fusion of the fission to fly
Wings or just floating in the four winds, purposeless without a will to survive on a putrid matrix
Under control of the polluters who mix the chemicals, warmed and frozen bunch of dumb hicks.

Keep up the pace of moving like a slug or a cheetah, either way the end of the song's the same
Mouth agape, breathless, heartbeat stopped, no coming back to see the world, now that's lame
But an imaginary function of the essence is not necessary, it does what it does, like it or not fool
Screaming at the top of your lungs push of hot air, conclusion deduced, alone and baked in drool.

Now mimi and her chin diaper, it's a place to put it, to not lose it before your time, your timeout
It's gonna happen, the happening is spearheading our faces together in a pool of hot lava's gout
In your limbs and your torso, it's the pattern of your inherited DNA, your microscopic acid of LSD
Trippin' like a fool, the many do well at annihilating the few, dissenters from the extinction scree.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, April 28th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST
{  Drafted while jammin' to the #ArmstrongAndGetty 6-10 AMPST link @ https://www.iheart.com/live/talk-650-229/ }

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