
Saturday, August 21, 2021

#ThisIsTheOtherSide #NonsenseIncense #UncommonAngst

You know a little about what's goin' on here, rubber blues don't ask me to wet dream
To be awake while you're asleep is a dream come true, midsummer vacation's scream
Diving into the lake & swimming underneath the cream of the crop, broken mirror Ra
Either from an eternal slumber or a sojourn with the Gotham of Sodom's hot Gamora.

Funk began the journey from blown smithereens to calm sea and sandy, calm shores
Of the mice and men who swallowed the Tsunami and the Hurricane, Earth's in a fizzle
Functions of the value system to survive the Big Bang and a simple human's drawers
Of dressers and closets where the humanity and divinity pretend to hide occult drizzle.

Pure joy and the thrill of becoming happy to just breathe in & out, freedom bein' alive
Heartbeatin' the happiness on drums of dead animal skin, blowin' hot air in holy tubes
Funk from father above and the mother inseminators below the ionosphere's high dive
From absolute, total emptiness comes anti-matter, atomic Hydrogen & all alone rubes.

I had a Novena and a Benediction during my Confession before Communion, jump back
To or fro, beyond a pale of piles of nails ready to pound wood or sand, pickup the slack
A hammer with a hard head and a sharp claw, rippin' skippy in a dinosaur ghetto slum
Heavy, fully metal jackets in command, paper tiger, invader codes of a junky & a bum.

Apostles following the lead of the miracle worker who defies a natural order of Things
Causes and effects being no more nor less than all there is, First One then many, I sing
From mountaintops or on the stage production for throngs of fans who keep the flame
Lit fire for the warmth of blood and bones that defy frozen tundra & death's end game.

What I know you don't know and I can't prove my knowledge is both Wisdom & Truth
Evil and the Good, backward spelling  an accident or not, to Live to be Evil, I forsoothe
I am not the friend or enemy of the multiplicity, I'm just all there is minus you & yours
Whatever a thing itself is, it's what I am, I AM, all of me chewed-up, RA's #Woke tooth.

Bringing it on down, bringing it back to the beginning, the get go, where I'm what'll sing
Funky tickling 88's, poundin' bongos or congas, tales of eatin' it all, a dirty ball of seeds.
Alive or dead, raw or boiled, jam barbequed as we'll all be eventually, single supernova
I peaked ahead of my time & I saw what I won't be present for, a Singularity Love, uh...

Gods in a division of power from the apex to the foundation, collapsible or uncrushable
Ends justified all of the means necessary to continue survival in a hostile environmental
Space & Time immovable, like an Unmoved Mover asleep, up on top of a funeral pyre
All gone but the light in the third eye that sees nothing & all as One tokin' to git higher.

Sorrow is only the little baby infant that your mama didn't hold to her breast 24/7 son
It's the plan that's got nothing to do with wanting what you & I want to avoid sunburn
Think how it'd be to be alive, all alone on another planet with nobody else, Jupiter dirt
Or even further than that, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, don't forget about Mars & Saturn.

Bytes closer to home, hot licks from Mercury's Venus, too hot to trot, nothing animates
To move from one place in space to another requires locomotion, Earth's got it, this's It
Looked for good, bad, the ugly & after a hundred years, I'll die married to blues outrage
Praise the overlord for dreaming, senseless 6th senses, disregard my chimpanzee cage!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, August XXIst, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 09:11 hours Ante Meridien
{ Played out on the wide-screen's treble clefs just to get the bass' backbeat keepin' #TheStruggle in paradise alive, while jammin' #TheDrip to #VietNamWarRockedJam on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/vUQIGeOp1bg }

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