
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

#RIP @NormMcDonald #OldMcdonaldBoughtTheFarm #BeastVsGoddess

All fighters, daughters' tortured sons, heaven & hell's chain of fools see Bozo's trees
Hydrogen and oxygen mixin' up with the nitrogen and too much helium in the holy sea
Men & women annointed with planetary silver & gold from holy wars, unholy thunder
Crusader rabbits and the rockin' steady #rastafarians from the above the down under.

Spending sawbucks and fins like they were goin' out of style until I got the Benjamins
Then it was the eight mile high sky that was my limit, coast to coast, CalMex, ATL/SEA
All time & the Space it's involved in being the measurement of conscious stoned breath
Forgetting & remembering before and after out birth may not be the same after death.

Thrills come & end in a hurry, age of reason to an acceptance phase of the co-existence
Transitory and a mere illusion that immortality of any THING is possible, it is nonsense
Nothing except Nothing itself lives and reproduces it's DNA in a pool of salt water fools
Far away, near another star a billion miles away, people live & die, here, now, bye bye!

Combination lock cannot be open without knowing the tweaks of the dial, left & righty
Starting and pausing at the zero, straight up and clean tumblers in the picking ala mode
Custard pie, double piece, chocolate oozing out both sides underneath whipped cream
Where's my java from the bucks or the city, make it a strong triple shot, I'm in a dream.

On a train that won't stop lest I pull the emergency chord, the brakes applied to get off
Stopped in an immaterial world lookin' for an immaterial girl, like it or not, it'll popoff
Like a cork that won't pop out my bottle's top, I'm stuck between lines, key of A, G or E
Looked away for a moment & everything changed into streams of muck headed to sea.

Drank smoke, sweated my labor, the angels all live and die in L.A. for a Nor-Cal mama
Born & bred in the second city where some seed planted roots to become intelligencia
Crazy me higher than a loose kite in the blue sky, tappin' my foot, talkin' the smack ball
Falls into place 'cause there's nowhere else to go, garden of Eden, here, now, that's all!

Virgins are fine but that means nothing to anyone outside of this planet's atmosphere
Random Randos made up the rules, callin' them facts of life, they copied dogs & cats
Herding and getting to the end of being alive without something eating your hot hair
Proof that it will be over will come when it's over, Bat Flu of COVid19, my nightmare!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Mercredi, September XVth, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 3:33 PMPST
{ Drafted while listenin' to @Madonna #LaIslaBonita & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/zpzdgmqIHOQ }

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