
Monday, October 04, 2021

#Alogrhythms #AdvertisementBewitching #LeakingOilIntoTheOceanOfPacificPalisades


In the heat of the far side of the Earth when it's cold as hell, meaning hot as a spa
A place only souls go to work off the sins of inherited flesh donated by Mas & Pas
Way back before them up to a nearly infinite amount of ancestral DNA, LSacid tight
Never is death anything other than food for the living to carry on the good 'ol fight.

Thinking about the things that came in the past, a memory to reference the remains
Of the mice and men who burrowed and crawled, walked and ran from hills to the sea
It really doesn't take a ton of confidence, hardly any hope, faith or expectation of love
To be or not to be for the majority and minority is One and the same, idiots are above.

Combined random combinations to open the private safe, behind the painting on a wall
It's a Picasso of a lady like a mess of a mask, to cover up the face of Truth, freedom too
A long time to set down in a room alone with a maniac who thinks mockin' nature's OK
On the shark's tooth, I've been caught because I was not deterred by the fish hater hay.

Eyes closed or squinting open to see the light from without & shine it within to see it
Through the slits of the third eye's holy pupils, there's a most important point of light
A plethora at the end of the line's angle as it flows from the origin to a final cherry pie
A slice maintained by flying between life & death, where you neither live nor ever die.

Without your presence I will remain alive in my own, as I see it, that's what counts It all
Being all there ever was since the Big Bang, I mean God's random creation of alcohol
Lie to me and never tell me the truth about what has happened or what you think about
I don't care one way or another, all I care about is that I don't end of life in self-defense.

Installation of the idiots & their mothers into the scheme of Nature, reflects extinct milk
Decent defense against any offense from known friends or unknown strangers of the ilk
I'm in the know of the logs, I know when you're signed online & when you're signed off
What's that mean?  Talk about yo' mama will you stop or you wanna fight me ya jagoff?

Quite a UFO you saw at one time or another, virtue of a cemetery where my gramma is
Flying into the current dimension of Earth's spin around the sun star, a UFO is just US
Coming from a place in Space where we've not been nor can ever become one hit song
If you thought your education & experience qualified you to know, you thought wrong.

r j j  stephan, i
c,  Dimanche, ROCKTOBER 3rd, MMXXI Anno Domini @ 11:11 PMPST
{  Slipped out of my psyche this AM while listenin' to #CoastToCoast on link @ https://www.coasttocoastam.com/ }

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