
Saturday, January 22, 2022

#SomebodyGotAway #SomebodyDidntGitTooFar #WhiskeyForMyMen #BeerForMyHorses

Stung in the face 'tween the eyes before I knew it, the deed was all done, I got shot... I died...
Out in the Great Beyond, above and below this lump of solar flotsam & jetsam, is what I am
Bottoms went up much more than you'd think they would, if you snooze, you lose, it's no lie
Truth becomes you & I and when we never tell a lie, one's word of honor catches fish on a fly.

Bums, junkies, mentally insufficient and physically #Maleficent, fairies roam the ether's stew
Cosmic from atom to red giants and black hole's singularities, the whole shebang never blew
Always been expanding since the First Cause forgot to remain in place, first movement, boom
Here & now were are, it's a gift so accept the moments as stolen & unrepayable, God's room.

Talkin' Zeus or Ra or Ahura Mazda and the pantheon of mythical dynamos in charge of a Hehl
Order in our tiny minds only, subjects, predicates, express the existence & futile quest for fun
Rats, roaches, birds, invertebrates, bacteria, viral DNA shape formation, a Form of me at One
Preconceived as a #selfie notion, a pledge of being cream of the crop, it's all a lot of cowbell!

At once upon this time, stuck in a conscious loop while riding the 'L' train in a Chicagoan loop
Gone before it actually caught an even stride, fell off of the razor's edge on a proverbial scoop
Fell way down to the bottom where I landed safely on my feet, but my feet weren't under me
I forgot exactly what happened but I've lost my life in the 208 mortal bones, to not or to be.

Muscles & wits assist survival but accidental death happens before the graduation to success
Not only is that true & it cannot be false but also, in the end, even sceptics will see The Light
Which they all find is what they are, indeed, starlight inside & outside, we're all caput right?
As it remains to be seen until the last gasp for gas, late bloom, better off in ignorance's bliss!

I'm in no hurry to see nothing when my eyes are wide open, unblinking in an atrophy's blues
Rotting and beginning bacterial deterioration, sense of taste and smell all gone with the Flu's
Inside of & anywhere near a sewer, any 911 building up from foundation's mud, blood & beer
Send 'em all to their maker, that will settle 'em down, hung high in the street's loathing fear!

In the ground, on the ground, of the ground and the gunsmoke settled atop my dirty GD face
All I wanted to do was to breathe, be happy and healthy, laugh a little, cry a little with grace
Victory answered for wicked deeds, happy or not, it was a journey down under, riding it dirty
Gangsters' evil force always will be here & now, gunsmoke puts 'em underground, roll a fatty!
r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, Janvier XXIInd, MMXXII @ 0830 AMPST
{ Pried this word flombet while jammin' to #BeerForMyHorses @WillieNelson & @TobyKeith #GangstersDoinThirtyDaze #WhiskeyForMyMenBeerForMyHorses link @ https://youtu.be/NHoGBEaCd-M }

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