
Tuesday, February 08, 2022

#PatheticPapaDontPreach #TradeDeadlinePass #WhoMadeWhom #LARAMS #Madonna #SuperbowlLVI #SnoopDreEmMJB #SURPRISESenFinale #FooFightFoodFighters

Cancellation of the atmospheric pressure, silenced the noise, silence out of  fig pie holes
It ain't my fault that there was a misunderstanding about an Immortal feature, divine souls
Nothing to perceive without #Abracadabra, direct mind of one's self, blissful goods or evils
Inside of your head or any bone or limb of your corpus dillecti, there's nothing with balls.

Wish once or three times, more or less, creating the magic malfunctions & mocking dualities
Knowing the wisdom of the ending to the chess moves on the board of our world, my screes
On the mark before you get set, you're gettin' ready to go nowhere without a backroad to It
Where is the thing I'm talking about when I can't explain the appearance or It, invisible orbit.

Universal signs, in particular get the last laugh, the temporary yields to the permanent, Ahoy
Good to go for ships or songs about the slave ships that brought dark bones to the home boy
Fifty states from thirteen colonies onto the stage of the life and death of One beast of burden
Who cares other than yo' mama, abstracted chaos down the hatch, in her...holy grail Origin.

You've got to mention the Word, a spell of predication, meaning nothing other than gibberish
Subjects, verbs, objects, their adjectives and adverbs, conjunctions, interjections & swordfish
Annihilate your memory, never recollect anything from your past other than reading & writing
Just because you thought you were so pretty before you got old, now you remove your ring.

Married or even promised happens nevermore, you can bet your last dollar on that, no joke
Stars never move, we do, we spin, we wobble, we revolve around a burning lump of hydroke
It rhymes, the dream within a dream, like a song that has a good, groovy melody, #1 Hit song
You'll go nowhere fast, regardless of  your ilk, used or abused the theoretical physics' throng.

Justice being a ham sandwich, hungry or not, nearly put to death by the spoiled, putrid meats
Called it Bologna from the city in Italy that killed and cured the dead animals for culinary eats
Smoking snakes, cats and dogs have nothing to say about anything of the Human, all too cool
Apes in ecstasy regarding rock, statues of granite rock or any rock, any form of the beautiful.

Mystic and innocent, fathers of the sons whose mothers sang the foreign songs of dragon Ids
Breath of smoke and fire directed at your face, skin and bones, to reap the scat you created
Propostional logic created from a #BigBang & a Space-Time continuum, beyond pure reason
What is can not be what is not anything at all, if it is then I'll be a hillbilly, ignorant of V, son.

Magic and coincidence animate the matter, into anti-matter we become what the abyss is
Nothing, less than everything in particular and in general, it's mass and Space-Time dreams
As if you ain't gonna wake up from a dream, you won't die or stop Abracadabra heartbeats
Grace is inside & outside our faces, it's a pleasure to serve, eat, shat, it is done, failed feats.

It ain't your fault that you think and speak like someone deceived by lies from a holier crook
A sage explained the infinite to the finite, already gone to Hehl, babbling all pigs recollected
Get what's gotten, no need to accumulate It, machismo is here, in search of a miraculous nook
Beast and humane, stars cancel that data, it's all set in the planet's history, gods are all dead.

Abyss of sheeple, horses, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats, insects, macro-microscopic, viral icebergs
All of It, gain of function research find a Holy of Holies or finds a sight of the war, fears of ass
Microscopic nano GODS, sub-atomic, thoughtless yet accomplished, lock-step Jesus' cyborgs
Unmoved mover Voided It, left a robust goose, buddha's golden egg & a bleeding heart pass.

Sucker born every minute either @WCFields or @AlisterCrowley said it first or last, yo cats!
Dirty dancing behind a transparent piece of plastic, transparent barrier to stop foo fighters
They come in and out of our world, our atmosphere as we would if we could, y'all are all in
SMOKEY, rebellion of the Foo, there's fire & there's a fight that never happens, so they win.

r j j  stephan, i

c.  Mardi, February VIIIth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 5:55 PMPST

{ #JackedUp jammin' this ditty out while #JAMMIN ON SOME CONCERT @FooFighters jammin' youTube link @ https://youtu.be/aoWmrYiGTOM }


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