
Thursday, May 12, 2022

#BlackHoles #Bugsbunny & #OldAndydickerdome oh & @SteelyDan @AndyDickHead #SolidJackson

#Hammer?  #CheckTheIndexFingerLength #MachO-oMen & a #HUGE #FungibleBlackHoles #Haitiandivorce #DEADheads

On the nature of being all too human, the opinion of the many matters to the higher ground
Above below here, it's miraculous you're here at all, whatever you do, gotta be a good one
Not the God of the Greeks or Romans, not even the Philistines, Galls or Attila's brew Hun
Funk and topsoil to grow the seeds from the mud and blood, then gasp at air, a soul's found.

All there is, ever was & always will be is A thing itself, what it means, I guess, mortal sins
In chaos' dream you didn't know you're dreaming, frivolous scat occurs, so, it just happens
A search for the miraculous by the blind, deaf & dumb among the progeny of fools' Ending
A gravitational collapse of the emptiness' Void subject and object get eternal vacationing.

Every atom in every cell of every minute microcosm of a quark, no exception et al, Sonny
From a literal piece of burning gas and nothing else but a random thought's idea of the Fun
You knew &I knew only what we'd been able to evolve out of this extraterrestrial epiphany
Beyond the War and the Peace, there's whatever the dead bones have recovered in the Sun.

You & I, whatever we all are, have a categorical imperative to be the best fool on the seas
And I second that emotion, I can move at will until I'm blocked by barriers, including death
I will to go, go, go and move the animated bones I've been lucky to inherit from the beast
Never will I ever be anyone who can disregard the Truth, Nothing but the Truthful breath.

Candyman can, it's the sugar devolved into the viral cavities, holy places for infection's sin
That rotten, self eating meat of the carnivore, bacteria stay when the food is done, viral kin
Drink deeply to me, only with your eyes on these signs, don't worry about a thing, it's moot
Everything I thought was not important actually was vital & victorious in the survival boot!

Protecting your self & the rest of the species is important but will be forgotten, Original Sin
2022 A.D. is moving along with the current of public and private affairs, skin deep in Spirit
Royal bones descended from the tripping creator of #NutsSeedsAndWater, sprout in Fruit
Of the vine and of mice and men who recycle those seeds through a clandestine digestion.

Pain and suffering go hand in hand, don't shoot the messenger, daughters of seventh son
Angels didn't fall, they flew down to the ground deliberately and it was he who found fun
He who?  Come on man!   needle in the haystack, in the Red Barn up in the loft of straw
Punks, thugs and junkys push the Horse and Herb from source through steps to the draw.

Groomed in the venting of your smoke and drinking ways, I am in the mood to be a bum
Meaning nothing but the first Cause of the effects you see during life's an animated scrum
Games played, rules of winning and losing made, when it's over then it is, no reason, sing
Trolls' logical conclusions about matter and energy have weight, in zero gravity's O-ring.

Hunger for the jelly, blown your cookies and it's an implosion into the G-spot of a Q-tip
Of a Singularity you're concerned with down deep in survival, unseen, cocksure omnisex
Wavelength in the cosmic or infrared, in between a parallel line that intersects at an 'x'
'X' marks the spot where Chuckles the clown's loaded high, genius, mason lead/gold trip.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Thursday, Mayday #12, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Jammed while reverberating from last night's @Eric_Church concert in Sacramento, downtown closed down on Wednesday night, just me & my sweet darlin' & the sleepy bums in the store entrances and bus stops, oh yeah, link for #SmokeALittleSmoke link @ https://youtu.be/XxWjtWONuGc }

{ Out of an #Unwoke mind undercover of my hoodie, #TinPanAlley of @StevieRayVaughan @ https://youtu.be/5VH-uC1hNkw & @GratefulDead #ShakedownStreet link @ https://youtu.be/QgEAVch57sc & LIVE #Rockplast Germany @ https://youtu.be/0CgM6s1LLuY & #AllTimeFav @ https://youtu.be/MccLsc5YzrI }


#Transgenderism causes this effect, the EXTINCTION OF SPECIES


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