
Friday, July 01, 2022

#ChampionOfNoWorld #HurricanesGalesStorms

It's gauranteed that your first blush isn't your last one, it seems to be the modus operandi
Of the things that the adolescent human female and male find at the end of life is death, so
Just like their elders and their own progeny, it's all about empty Space outside Earth's birth
Gone away from nowhere to here, no reason other than living in hell, if it all goes caput Earth.

If & only if there's mercy from the invisible mass of atoms, in front of my own mind's eye sect
Hurricanes and twisters put it all to rest, there's nothing that lasts forever except empty lies
Remember who tells them so you may pay them back for trouble they've caused  a warp effect
Kidding you not, not even a small white lie or exagerration, just the facts of life for a tiny size.

Murdered a man in a bar fight, I didn't run since they blamed an innocent man, slow roll One
Nice fellow whisked off from jail to prison for life until #OldSparky got some revenge all done
Hair grown out as the dead cells always do, how did the evolution work over the finite millenia
Well groomed in a 50 hectare cell, bosses and the inequality became extinct, love of hysteria.

Bettys await the Homers, Freds & Barneys yet none come, none come in a connundra of light
Whose fault was that, the olfactory & visual effects are fading into darkness without a fight
Ballrooms, parlors, powder kegs for the freedom of independence day, messenger of shame
A pretender to needle and head butt us to get mean & so nasty that your mama won the game!

She worked the bar, tended the hardworkin' after hours, after supper crowd, the GD winkers
Called the whole shebang as it should be, a deposition of golden ways turned blood moon blue
Offended the sex of the defenders of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' ins and outers
On a prevent defense, pressing full court, man to man, calli' switch, I stuffed the proof in glue.

Rollin' from rocky coast to coast, it's all lookin' like it's all sinkin' but instead, the water's high
Higher some more until the entire planetery dirt is envoloped by the law of the H2O on nigh
Comes too soon and sometimes doesn't come at all, in between unready for extinction's wrote
It's an infinite automatic out of any human control, not even a witch's magic are the antidote.
r j j  stephan, i
c.  July 1st, 2022 Anno Domini @ 444 PMPST
{  Produced while jammin' to @Bob_Dylan https://youtu.be/U4zlA6NoSVE }

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