
Friday, July 01, 2022




You're the numerator of One common denominator or you wouldn't get to the end of the hell
Just the fire left over from the Big Bang within the core, hot in the frozen plane of Nothings' ID
Scaring the innocent and the bloody wild eyed and bushy tailed, tattooed you & me, ship sunk
Living in a lean-to, orange-blue to keep my belongings safe from wildass-dogs & hermit punks.

It's a categorical imperative that you come to grips with the nature of this reality, beside dying
As you lie dying when you're just walkin' around in a somnambolistic trance havin' a cool fling
Hammering your mind to keep it inside of your head, between your two ears, One inseminate
Callin' it your lord, your god, your daddy, the null or the void remains the matrix of soul fate.

Home advantage is an illusion, the man to beat is always the same man, it's the world's champ
Fools creating the rules and regulations for the innocent to shuffle around the game's borders
Inside with the in crowd, eating and refusing, breathing and gasping for Nothing left, lights out
Mind over Matter's Form, Shapes of living protoplasm, soft & hard rock to roll like a cub scout.

In a den, we played the game by the rules we learned were a necessary & sufficient condition
Of mice, men, women, girls, boys from zygote to corpse, spicy fragments of divine imagination
Not bad for a wild guess without a clue from the dead, all too human opinions of fools & idiots
Rulers of the packs, the whole shebang nothing but a fine way to control DNA's cyborg robots.

Ready to die?  Liiving just to get there & wishing it was another way, any other way, yet it is
The way it is is the way it is, I am in the middle of the fray, being silent is the narrow way kids
Origin of you and your kin all the way back to when there was nothing but bad guys all abuse
And everything else you thought you owned, immersed into a pool of Funk, tangled up Blues.

Forsaken no more my friends, my enemies, strangers both dead, alive & soon to be here, now
You have what it takes if you read these words, get ready, get set & go to the light's left elbow
Around the sand trap at the side of a dogleg, there's a green, soft & smooth with a glory hole
There's an invisible obstruction which requires momentum that can't be guessed, a golf show.

Putt, chip, drive & you get the rest in the other 35 times you tee off through a rough growth
Holes in grounds of 36 places everyone knows, Space's Time of surreal existence's swore oath
To remember nothing about anything before you were conceived of sperm & egg, no big ball
Of facts or fiction, a function of the calculus, it's all equal & comes out in the collapse of it all.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, July 1, 2022 Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ #God #ESSE love of the moment, #HolyS#itBalls #TodaysGonnaBeAwesom & listenin' to the @SammyHagar #3LockBox link @ https://youtu.be/lREScG0Pd2s  @Luke_Bryan #OneMargarita link @ https://youtu.be/YEq-cvq_cK4 & #GUFFAWING @CheechAndChong link @ https://youtu.be/Ggl72wOwoQE & then there's @Armstrong_Getty on @kste650AM 6-10 AMPST or podcast, #GitGit }

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