
Saturday, July 02, 2022

#CookinCrawdads #SecondToNone #HelloIAmNotAlone @RalphBakshiEdits

I can't show you the way to be good, evil or ugly but you will be either one, two or all three
In any case, it's all a done deal and it's out of our hands, the results stemmed from a history
What you don't know won't hurt you but it may be too late in any case, it is a grand ol' opry
It ended the moment we set foot upon the ground of being, Earth dirty world, a star's copy.

Foil for a tinman's outfit, it squeeks a bit but the oil can is in reach, near or in my hobo scat
Greased in wax to slide across the 88's  or the nylon chords between C & B or A & G flat
Nobody else is in the game as deep as the player who began knowing that it's Time to leave
Before or after a hundred orbits around this still star, the son of God's concern, Adam's In.

Bright in the absolute void so that the writing on the twilight zone walls can be seen to be
What formula it takes to escape the place in Space you want to leave for the one to also see
Miracle of the cause & effect of the babies solved, now why oh why did humans evolve me
Nothing personal I'm sure, it is what it is, I am what I am, Truth cannot be fabricated, see.

If you don't see, you're hopeless and will remain in ignorance to provide the matrix of order
All trained minds in logic and reason deduce & induce the reason for everything, all for her
Mother, sister, wife, girlfriend, friend, sisters of a holy order administer spare threads' or
Allow their convent's pure and sterile lavoratory to groom & feel at one with natural water.

Suddenly, the oneness emerged through the skin and bones exposing the light, a cosmic one
Conditions led to a further complicated mess, life lives & proves to breed you gotta be hung
If you can't inseminate then the species survival is doomed, we need DNA's code of bung
Mixing it up at random allows the impulse to survive be generated, boy or girl, out for Fun.

Little sneaks big bigots will be at the beginning & at the ends of good times, get on me too
Nobody either #Woke or unawakened will be spared at a gravitational collapse of all Matter
Maybe alive or down under in a grave or Davey Jones' locker, maybe ash in the soil's blues
For one last time, immerse momentum of the soft moves to deflect the collision with power.

Deceitful and a product of the ethics and morality of the herd, teachers & sham professors
Not many progress from birth to death in ignorant bliss except for fortunate sons under It
Knowing the reason everybody is dead would be a complication that can't be seen in stores
Empty shelves without the things men have made and packaged for convenience and profit.

Failure of the safety nets to catch the falling weight of the hefty commandos afoot, all good
Even up with the enemy & tactics will prove the right is wrong and vice verse, because it is
Keep sayin' it out loud ad infinitum, nobody can kill a Word, strongly worded "two or tree"
What I am or what?  You'll pull your love from me before I die, with or without, it will be!

Food blown in jagbags, not my hag though, a cornucopia of grounded wings in outer sea
Rhyme of the sounds of winds blowin' out the lips and facial contortions of mam & pappy
#Woke heaven's dream, cause & effect of happiness & joy, Saturday's 5th's call, 2nd of July
Then it's over in a wink, ones left behind nod and wink, they are on their way in the dark.

Growl, scare away the mean killers & scatter their skin & bones to old coyotes & red crows
Live as if high forever in hills of reverie, sitting, standing, walking, running, come to blows
Ones whose intent to terminate my happiness, I guffaw as I bang the gong, a superbowl bell
Rams vs. Bengals return for another go, if & only if no Raiders show, they're doin' it, swell!

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Samedhi, July 2nd, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 611 AMPST
{ Kracked this gem out (Second of July) while jammin' @ChicagoBand #BEST link @ https://youtu.be/PLiMy4NaSKc }

#HappyBirthday #HappyAnniversary #RIP JOJO, MA & PA & THE REST OF THE GENOME #EyeObjectYourHonor

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