
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

#IsitHolloweenYet #WhatsUpWithJack ? #ButAnyway #ToxicDesserts

Trouble is afoot on a ballclub's stardirt onto its destination, faking reason to rhyme
Fight in or out of a square ring or round octogon, there will be a winner not a loser
Be that as it may, Time will tell the actual reasons why things are lied about, a hoser
Orphans flauting family ties to the history of mankind's humanity, behind bar Time.

Plastic and plaster on the pulverized rock we've rolled onto our walls and ceilings
Enclosing our locked up matter we keep in order to stop thievery of the dingalings
It is all of their faults that they behaved in a way to get their parents to conceive
In innocence or by intent, either way we're all gonna die, we got here like a thief.

No other way to think about it other than the comprehension of the historical
As it is and was written in languages both dead and still alive, gets it hysterical
Cannot stop the hillarious response to an absurdity of being you, 'all too human'
Before the evolutionary hypothesis is proved to be true, it's about original sin.

Commanded the ancestors to follow the law & it set up a violation in traffic's sea
Hitchin' jacked-up bull scat to my caboose ain't happenin' on sand, gettin' ready
On the battlefield or back home in the states, that was the best shot in your face
Here it is in 2022 and the Time moved in circles, inside of the outerspace's Space.

Bullits and beans to be distributed to every man, woman and their children's kin
What I am and what you are cannot be the case, in any case and that's a fact Jack
Out of the mouths of babes it comes, sounds of ambiguity to be misconstrued in
Nested a hatch of fertilized egg yolks, what you see is what you've got, it's a hack.

Common denominator of a Fool's Errand is no more nor less than one of the #Woke
Woke up your mind in a six by six cell, you cannot get out until you die in a biweek
Filthy hole in the ground, all a part of of the game of life, a twilight zone's matter
Garbage and rainbow of a blind man's trash, crazy on you, dirty crazy, my mother!

Full house with a royal flush and four aces were my three hands in a row, ala casino
Monkeys thrashin' around in a circular jerk of moronic idiots drinkin' LSD capuccino
Love and kisses from the bottom of my heart, it's obvious you know all the secrets
Deep dive from above the sea between breakin' surf, fishin' yet still losin' the bets.

See if we've got this straight, first there's Nothing and stars get blown out of a One
Awaiting gravitational collapse the infinite expands and murders of ol' Sol, the Sun
Black Hole or Singularity, Pulsar or White Dwarf all One Ap, red button to press on
Once the intent is sent and the matter moves through eternity, you get it, it's done.

r j j  stephan, i
c.  Rocktober XXVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Cocksure and uncertain about the principle at the same time, I resign from the match and bow to the mighty above and the unfortunate below, drafting this diamond in the rough (kiddin' it's actually a masterpiece of dirty words) & while listenin' to @FromElvisInMemphis #KentuckyRain & HITS link on youTube @ https://youtu.be/aCOURapuB6Q & #ThePlatinumCollection @ https://youtu.be/Uq0dBFBxrBE }

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