
Sunday, January 01, 2023

#Moonshine #Moonlight #SpeedOfLightLITlife #SpringsteenToTheMAX #BigManosis #BRUCE #CHICAGOtheBand


Hid out on the backstreets, just because I couldn’t hide on West Augusta Blvd
I knew I could wing it without a wingman, my jet was in solo mode, rock-hard
To be or not to be was my only motto, no other motivation needed big books
Negative and chilly to points of bein’ frozen solid, like ol’ foothill Willie hooks.

Petting a female human, petting a cat, a dog or a little bit of the block hot chips
From me or any other species of homo sapiens, anthropomorphic as mandingo
Laid off just because I got laid by the best female boss in the land of faux worms
Stood for nothing so there was no violation to confess, all of this scat’s a gasper.

In the center of the very life you never expected to live, youngster high on a bus
One of the many who’ve already expired their half-lives and miracles of a sinner
Wild and not as innocent as all of us zygotes once were, after mitosis, it’s on US
No responsible obligation to all commandments of invisible spirits, i got vetoed.

With or without the power to see past the blockage where it’s all peach creams
You will get to the end of the place in Space and spent Time of villains’ dreams
Forced against the power of all free will on the money where Natas rules angels
Orphanage released the minions without the tickets to the show, ridin’ Hells.

God’s ain’t so good down in the holler in the backwoods, my trailer pit bull hot
Nothin’ comes in or out of the cave in the middle of nowhere, not in 50 states
Area ain’t more than a pinhole in the universe, just forget about it man, it’s shot
Whole wad of DNA spent without gettin’ hope & change, it’s my luck, my Fate!

Roommates come and go from where you are to wherever they get to down it
All the memories remembered before you forget about it all, heaven fouled out
Into a zillion pieces of shattered shards of secrets, words nobody knows about
On the other hand, maybe they do know what they know about, just can’t tell.

Bees & birds ain’t flyin’ to remind my kin what it means to be dead, bitcoin cash
Following followers of the leaders who have nowhere to go, now, never alone
Hope in nothing more than a rock upon the dirt, with scratches on granite stone
Curls in the girls hair to avoid the split ends, the finale is ash, last party is a bash!

Fought my last fight right afore my last breath, broad way path on ol’ Man’s Sea
Secret and magic because you don’t know it’s a dream for us all, you forgot time
Of the poor kids whose fathers & mothers abandoned them to the rich kids’ sin
All about the wise guys and the fools of the highness in the lowlands above kin

Folks told the white lies and still caught the rat pie bubonic plague to kill gods
As above, so below only the rats and roaches can fill the Void against the odds
Marvelous & terrible at one and the same time, hit ‘tween dead twistin’ doubt
Pulled muscles and cramped up with all of the false moves, my lights are out!

r j j stephan, i
c. SLAMUARY 1st, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST

{ jammed to LIVE 1975-1985 #TheArchiveSeries @BruceSpringsteen link @ https://youtu.be/GIQ_9qfpnSI }



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