I had some news before the old boys came home from the war, battles with their minds
Wiped out by the rigorous structure of being awake & ready to fight & kill 24/7/365 lines
Draw inside the lines because there’s nothing in the space outside, Outerspace mythology
Where the claim from deadmen is that place which is nowhere on Earth, causes Earth & me.
Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, cousins, friends & foes await the Pearl of Wisdom shot
Finish your examination in order to pass your final exam, you’re all gonna go to the hot pot
Burnt smoke that couldn’t stay on fire, just residue of the thing too hot to handle a screw
Got a nut & a washer to keep the screw as tight as a knot in iron rope, a fight with Wufoo.
Pigs down here in God’s eye stye, corralled to be slaughtered, humanitarian BBQ party time
Killing and burning and consuming and defecating, in rivers, lakes or deep woods’ troll slime
Without four legs all up in trees, look out below, that’s not rain that stinks like monkey scat
That all too human stench is your tool to keep the perfumed far away from dirty, filthy brat.
Marks in the center of the bull’s eye where my shot landed square on One point, out of sight
Eyes, ears, nose, mouth & the neck up to the tip-top, I am your antithesis & your good fights
Greed is a function of the idiots who became evolved Cro-Magnon mistakes of the divine god
Invisible power to animate rocks, to make them roll up and down the streets of all blue blood.
Hungry and thirsty before the end of Life, maybe after spaghetti & meatball Guido cuisin
You wish you were invited over for my spaghetti & carnivore delights, need salt & cheese
Broke your mind accidentally when I socked you in the face, busted your bloody schnoz
Out of time, out of blood in or out of Space & Time, that’s Life, the people all got a buzz.
Breeding the intercourse of beasts to air for the stars, where you go when you die here
Nothing is left after you’re last heartbeat, you’ll see what I mean someday, have no fear
Punks who deal with junk, will one day supernova with the rest of the ilk, we’ll all be free
Of chained minds addicted to our skin and bones, formed shape of beauty & a beast tree.
Fat arse, skinny bones, preconceived or postmortem, it’s done, it’s the deal, everything
All the time, every spin & wobble of the stones of the Earth rock, I dwelt among us, I sing
Playing the instruments of wind, of brass & paper-thin animal skin, rockin’ polkas & blues
To be a dancer, singer or watcher/listener audience of the Play, let’s muster ships’ crews.
Ideal fear of love and life on asteroid ash flyin’ within and without my own fertile mind
It’s a dark bean coffee getting into your conscious minds, all the minds, so easy to find
Opened the blinded eyes, saw nothing, saw everything and then the darkness comes in
Y’all stay here, I’m what’s left, don’t go, wait…wait…it’s all a dream? Oh, God, aw, shyt!
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, 3-16-2023 Anno Domini @ 555 AMPST
{ Dripped out the Cosmos while jammin’ to #Ipman @ https://youtu.be/qLRK18MB5WE & jammin’ to @EricClapton #CrossroadsConcert link @ https://youtu.be/w59rUSxN5f4 }

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