
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Pops Population of Popcorn & SodaPop & #POOPALOOSA

Here & now’s the one, sweet place in Space you find us, prophetic concept analysis
Nothing intended by an act of my personal will although apparently, it is what it is
Shake a jar of fire ants until they attack one another without any will to smoke pot
Evolution of Mother Nature occurs whether we are aware of the One Being or not.

Imagine without insight or eyesight, you had a beautiful body & held it against me
As above, so below all heavens rolled down from Olympus or Alpha Centauri story
Right to the left of center, the hammer pounded your head upon the burnt honey
Human invention of work and how to get it done by other people and their money.

Putting it on the front page of a newspaper of old news, that is the fame & fortune
What else can you take to the grave but your fame & fortune, who liked mortal sin?
Pipe down your storm hysteria, if there’s a flood then get to high ground to get laid
Jump in the betting pool that the government cannot tax, the tax was already paid.

Specialty in being nothing special, a quality in high quantities yields supermen jizz
Take a good look at the situation, keep that awareness high above it all, all the jazz
Wonder fades into familiarity with the purity of dirty Earth’s rocks and stone junk
Laid back & got laid up in the matrix vortex, whirling in the dervish way’s hot funk.

Depression of your economic politics to avoid the pain and suffering of being alive
Part of the pleasure to feel good about just breathing and without the doctor jive
Witches and their fathers before them also had the mothers who went to the war
To put goddesses into the #FakeNews lives to take away the close Space, All afar.

Condition of whatever follows the only question that matters to Earth’s gangs
Good or bad, either way beautiful or ugly, you’re alive & dead in the swan songs
Moving on between boundaries in place, at some point, exile stops @God’s dam
Pretender of really meaning what needs to be said, to drama I think, ergo I am.

On the subject and predicate of the premises, I cannot opine, just kidding y’all
Meaning that the private & the public have merged & diverged in a funeral pall
Dead or alive, there’s still a bounty on the head, you are human, all too human
Two point OH, more than One point of an angle, a triangle or circular jerkin’.

Addicted to unethical behavior, immorally exhibited stupidity of idiotic morons
Rich of Kelly green, Pope’s gold or dirty rocks of a holy land, nieces and godsons
Miracle of the numbers zero to nine, recombinant DNA/RNA inside all living cells
Dropped a dime on my condition, sick unto dying as a mosquito in search of hells.

What you & I know for certain is Nothing at all, everything’s an educated guess
A multiple choice of the answer ‘D’ which is always, all of the above and no less
You & I have all of the answers to the examinations given to the girls’ corn pone
Miniskirts and hotpants, all I can do I cry about the fad gone far away, way gone.

Who could be more in or out the world than the sleeping dreamer in my big head
Common eulogy for everybody else but me, he was a good ol’ boy, good riddance
Sweet baby Janes and Peters from the high fallutin’ hired guns and default sheriff
Of the dust and mud that led the horses to drink their beer, they were drunk stiff.

No good when you need them, useless when you want them, never a very good pet
Odds are with the housed doubled down against you better, you better, so you bet
Question our race of imaginary souls in DNA inclusion sets, worthless cry babies
Babble words gagglin' deducin' conclusions to end dissertations about Hades.

Parks where you can’t park your bike, car, truck or hovercraft, a parody of me
Nightmare that there is no free speech unless it’s my speech, you stay, I’ll flee
Nowhere to go but up or whatever way is downtown’s directional momentum
Bottom of the trash heap I am, racist nor nihilist, the Herd’s absurdly dumb.

State Pen or Federal Rock between gaping open borders, love of good & plenty
Comin’ home or leavin’ on a fast train, either way it gets out of sight ginseng tea
Like dying and reincarnating in another place in Outerspace, as if you’re special
When you’re just a lucky spare part, a phuquin’ slob mutation of a parental tool.

Squirted smooth silk screens into my mainline in vain, dropped a dime with .45s
Found lost in Space, up the creek without a paddle, at the mercy of God’s eyes
Seeing nothing close to Earth, moon or sun, 1 close star always a spin away, so
Wait a minute, fortunately, Cheerios & Chocolate, The Way, Narrow, now Go!

r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, III-XIV-MMXXIII @ 1000 AMPST
{ Drafted to @CarlosSantana concert link @ https://youtu.be/k0KcWyZ8II0 }


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