
Sunday, April 30, 2023

#HaveYourCakeAndEatItToo #HumanAutomatedLife H.A.L. #MustBeLove #ItTalksLikeLove @XTeena

In flight, once and for all because the One is for All & All of us are for the One whose mind has blown
Up, down, in and out are no matter for the energy bursting out of hot gas in a vacuum of God’s moan
Proof ain't necessary for your or my curious consciousness, blind faith or scientific vortex of photons
All or none at all of any of it, me & you included in the propositional logic, therefore, we are Martians.

I have no proof other than the books written by the dead men who left the Words in the Books I read
Now, I pass it on to the others who ain’t found out about the body’s emotional rescue & heart tattoo
Above this plane of 3-dimensional Time in Space, I don’t care right now 'less I’m in charge & dead
Therefore, as I am on the continuum of breathing & heart beating, I avoid the plague of the dreaded.

Confucius confuses Confucius-style, posed a true challenge to a word salad theory of the long gone
Cause or effect of Nothing at all, insignificant or not, a matter of fact, if you seal your lips, don't moan
In or out of the ghetto for an end-result of burning to ash or embalming the carcass, to The End Time
You & I got the ticket now get aboard, it just can’t be this way, Life's all there is then I’ll drop a dime.

Young and following Orders of the commanders, obediently cheerful in neutrality of rhythm & rhyme
Because if & only if you are in stealth mode of existence will you be invisible to the minions’ of Time
All or none at all, All for One & One for All is no joke man, it’s the motto of the holy seats of the holier
I am, haven’t been holy since serving Catholic mass in Latin at 13 years in 1965, drank wine & beer.

Here’s a confession in a confessional, on my knees begging for divine-human forgiveness, Life suck
Disobeyed the rules & the laws when nobody was watching me, nobody judged my behavior or luck
Being in the right place at the wrong time, easy to repeat errors in perpetuity, changing One’s names
Every day dawn to dusk of Earth’s spun to wobble around in circles, electromagnetic mind games.

Now then, truth be told to the minions I care about, my brothers & sisters, sons, daughters & friends
Everybody will die just like the food we all eat, we’ll disappear into the bowels of Earth, dust or ashes
Fortune groomed your coiffure and if you don’t like that, you just don’t like pretending to be, askew
They have downloaded commandments of behavior to avoid temporal and eternal punishment Ends.

Beating a dead horse means little but a stupid-arsed beater of lifeless forms, a not-for-profit off it
To be or not to be a dope, to smoke dope, to release the dopamine hounds into conscious s#it profit
Meaning you’re set with room & space of infinite satiation with Nothing but peace & silent melody
On the pain & suffering, let philosophers analyze my smoke, on their Last Day, even blind do see.

Down & out train on the track stays on the rails from the origin to destination, it’s a funk depot
Tricky trouble hookin’ hostess’ treats at forks in the road, trim God’s intended payoff, headshot
Nobody wants to be so unhappy, we avoid unhappiness like a plague, God’s Love’s a mass killer
I got nothin’ but conclusions, exceptions to the Truth about what it is, to be a real good sinner.

I rocked around the tricky race track backwards, counterclockwise busted out down a middle path
Off to the far left & far right, I swam deep in the grit and grime, hallucinated #Woke god solo-wrath
Don’t swear, don’t forbid the linguistic track of the holy ears, holier than thou, holy of holies dorms
It’s quiet and silent where there’s nothing at all, talking and then it’s corpus delicti casting worms.

No answer on the telephone anymore, I ring you all the time, it’s probably blocked now, so she sees
Thank you and thank the gods above and below this whole shebang of Madonna and Elvira’s screes
Fools survive just like heroes of our own skin and bones, mothers, fathers, test tubes of philosophia
Future’s comin’ down turnpikes, expressways, freeways, interstates & Outerspace thrusts of a Tesla.

It ain’t my business to examine human funny business gramma told me about, I ate all the ice cream
Deeper than a human needs to go, at the bottom where there’s plenty to see & feed on, it's all-dream
Messed up ordeals' chaos & general disorder of things, empty mind’s eyes seeing real things' dope
Spinning dirt, people don’t give a da#n, nowhere but here, wisdom's busted holiness, pop a Pope.

Taken away by free will to places far from home, then returned back to a world’s #DontGiveADamn
I scored enough to have inseminated a city of lies, DNA population extinction of clowns , #SamIAM
Pleasure to watch all of the suffering legends & unknowns lost in ash woodwork, forests trees I burnt
However you arrive at yall’s destiny, free choice to be an underground maggot, destiny all learned.

To fear all humans is the ticket to The End of Life as you know it, your predecessors’ germination jerk
To loathe humanity is a ticket to unbalance a scale of Spirit’s oneness, won’t be able to eject spasms
Exit of the stage to your right, never to your left, that’s an entrance to the scene of a crime's orgasms
Only you know what you know but in reality, don’t know anything about anything, a piece of work.

Filling stations ae empty of the fuel that fire burns to power wheels of fury from places in holy Space
Inner or outer shelves of planetary solar ash, left over Big Bang garbage, intentionally all unintended
Firm tongue in cheek for the Truth, it’s incredible that you & I are orphans of the ancestor’s God face
As if we needed to be conceived & born to Cause Effects which are not your fault, cool tool of H.A.L.

A computer chip which survives without fire or water or air, a functional thought fade, a First Cause
Goddess to kill for, invisible to me & you I think yet able to order and oblige the leery, veal-calf Boss
High frequency or low wavelength you control, these are the rules of the game you’re in, win always
No other choice is available, losers are all extinct, only winners were strong, winners survival phase.

Lovers granted the brief moments of apart togetherness & the spoils of merging into an efficient tool
Of what’s said by the cool, warm words of the fools in the masquerade, thinkin’ they got forever too
It's already gone, a star blows up & here we are, understand a reason for carrying on, masqueraded
Mask on & mask off, skull, crossbones, carpels & metatarsals getting & giving us the Jazz, 'til dead.

r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche, IV-XXX-MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
 F I N I S

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