I got the knowledge of whatever formation of matter comes before me, I’m liquidAs water is on Earth, what it does flowing from either north or south to the equator
Where the distribution to the seven seas occurs ad infinitum, with or without us all
Neither you nor I nor anyone else alive or to become alive in the future are in power.
As the food on shelves of grocery stores exists at our disposal, so humans will go to hell
To War, we exist for the devouring black hole vacuum we call the Singularity, battle cycle
Extinction of men, mice, atoms, molecules of all living species underneath Earth’s dome
Indeed, it’s what it’s always been about before our birth, the same as God drops a dime.
My second amendment is locked, loaded & ready to be cocked at the drop of a feather
As the feather drifts down to the floor, it explodes into smithereens before it lands here
Subatomic particles of God’s sun don’t shine, philosophy’s stuck in muck’s blinding light
Timelined infrared & ultraviolet light, as above, so below White Dwarf-Red Giant fight.
Muddy dirt means that the water is either coming from down under or drying up & how
Of this ecosystem’s function, I know what I sense, it will move on without me here, now
Nothing’s top movement of the holy air & holy water, under Earth’s bubble, blown TNT
It’ll annihilate the thing itself into an infinite number of particles in an asteroid belt sea.
Mug shots on the police blotter, your mother, your father, your sister, brother & all the kin
Everything’s related to Sweet Guilt of what you’re guilty of, being all too human, mortal sin
Benefit of the doubt from Adam to Thomas to Zorro, it’s all about me until it’s all about you
Enter my stage from either the back, the right or the left, any way you get the fat chance to.
Nobody enters the fenced gate without getting past unarmed, invisible infrared drone fly-men
So small and fast-moving in every direction, up, down, in & out of the built structures of Zen
Love or hate this existence, one thing is for certain, you only live once & you better cash in too
It’s nearly impossible to get a life on Earth, a chosen few enter but nobody remains forever, boo!
Work, sleep, play, pay-per-view of all moments from conception through pan deception’s sea
Rotten eggs’ smell from rear-ends, sewers of the disgusting, dead food defecated for thought
Philosophy of psychological anthropology in one ear & out of the other, just get a master PhD
Mummies out the tombs now, among us, 208 bones lie dead & lie #Woke when y’all are alive.
Busted down tables, rewashed stained glass & fake silverware, all rinsed & heated 200 degrees
Dinner, lunch, supper, breakfast dining 365 days every spin around the sun, gets too fat to stay
Alive on the gravitational collapse of your share of real estate, in a cave, a house or prison pen
Breathe is all you do, eat is what the lucky do, drink too, all fools do, we’re in it, #TheLionsDen!
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, 6-11-2023 AD @ 555 AMPST
{ Failed to put a cork in it, the Muse escaped imaginary jail & returned before sunrise, still inspired by the youTube jams of @Keb’Mo' COLLECTION of GH link @ https://youtu.be/K2NfbIHZhvU }
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