Some stones were thrown, a lot of sticks hurt my bones, but names didn’t hurt my egoIt was so tiny that whatever the ego was at conception, it was as I fell down in The Hole
Didn’t want to fall, I was pushed out of the womb, on the way to the cold tomb I’ll know
Imploding the explosion of the Super Nova that nobody on Earth will ever see comin’, so?
Who gives a hoot? If you do care then you’ll be automatically and systematically stacked
Fertilized from organs left over from the origin of the solar system’s galaxy in this dirty pit
One, a concept of linguistic certainty in the face of conscious realization that we’re jacked
All you have is what’s between your ears & below your skull, clothes optional as decrepit.
Today will end just like yesterday & tomorrow, every day is like that, Earth wobbles in orbit
Not for me to entertain myself with the mirth of ignorance surrounding stratospheric scat
Infinity rich calculus’ trigonometric geometry and complicated, a less advanced isorhythm
All in a hodge-podge ball of confusion, a mental case of irrational, blind faith beliefs in Him.
Father of Life on Mo’ Earth can’t be contained in a secret society’s history, forest thru trees
Look at the shadows cast upon the wall of the empty, dark cave & believe you see the light
You’re blinded, we’re blinded, nobody gets to see what happens post-mortem, am I right?
You’re not a mortician but you’ve seen photos & playing dead in movies and magic stories.
Function from the First Cause is understood to be a gift from God, an atheist accidental hit
Of heavenly bodies roving in a dance around the ring, it goes around the rosier posy’s chit
Grind up the cocoa nuts, make your grandma & grandpa happy to be your kin, it’s Time Up
You know what you think privately, it cannot be unknown once you get a foot in the stirrup.
Once you’re in the saddle, ride away into the sunset, hat’s off to the end of the world’s pie
Ate a red apple old mama when you knew it was forbidden, murdered your descendent kin
You ate the power, seeds were within the fruit, the tree grew from the buried, gnarled roots
Your godsons murdered one another, bada boom here now, far away from stupid’s boots.
My oh my, young men and women will fight and die for the idiots and morons who rule IT
Who will survive deployment of the innocent to annihilate one another for the bull’s chit
Nobody anywhere below the top of the heap of skulls controls living life, it’s all over, caput
Oven baked, stove-top stuffed, animal dead to eat the thing’s form & recycle it into a shoot.
That’s it? This is it; heaven & hell’s optional for nothing that survives corpus dillecti skin
Certain as death is, if alive, certain to shoot the messenger because you don’t like bums
It ain’t my own fault, it ain’t your fault either, it’s all accidental cosmic collisions of atom
Desire is not what is needed, the need is to bleed & get crucified for your egregious sin.
Filling in blanks for you & I so that I can continue rolling along the latitude & longitude
There is a multiple choice to answer every question but only One answer is Soul Food
Plants and animals devoured daily only if lucky, hunting for bloody meat in - out a door
Undertaken to the underground, broken or in perfect form/shape, hide the stench odor.
Big time in a small space, circle around the teacher, this will be on tomorrow’s final exam
Tiny ant-like size, you were smaller, nobody stepped on you or poisoned you, oh, go dam
It was naturally a miscarriage or a self-induced abortion, changing human history forever
Mined fool’s gold, diamonds, rubies & sapphires for God, all fueled UFO’s under pressure.
Wanting nothing and getting all I deserve, I deserve nothing at all but I buy low & sell high
As above and so it is below, authoritarian leaders attacking freedom of speech & cherry pie
Cut down the cherry tree man, I needed the wood to make some furniture to sit on at night
Too many memories to forget about all of them & I quote, “Forget nothing MF, let’s fight!”
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, 7-14-2023 Anno Domini @ 711 AMPST
{ Tricked out of the matrix this AM, ready for Chicago Bears, Bulls, Blackhawks, as above, so below jammin’ to #Wavelength CD @VanMorrison link @ https://youtu.be/SThHPgmRsi0 }
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