Mighty, mighty spade & whitey flowin up and down rivers to the equator, I resemble that remarkInside of things themselves that I can’t see, a core of nothingness without being anything is stark
All is finished when you get swallowed by the python, it’ll digest you on the way down to the park
Reason and logic disappear as the LSD trips and the HCL acid flows head to toe, this turns so dark.
Whose fault is it? Who’ll take the blame’s responsibility for random acts of chaotic unconsciousness
“WHO”? That’s what it sounds like at night as invisible things grow out of dirty rocks of a water hole
Nothing but a bunch of yellow eyes in the distance, far, far away from a place in Space where I must
Believe you or your 208 bones have a destination other than six feet underneath dirty, burnt stardust.
Punks are smug because they’re ignorant of the facts of life they got lucky to experience, here, now
It will be over sooner than later, daughters tell your sons, they won’t believe fathers, take a low bow
You & I run the monkeys and the bulls together, only the strong survive for a while, all of ‘em will go
On to the Great Beyond, larger than our sun, the closest star, smaller than a neutron of atomic Blow.
Grounded to rest in peace or woke in war, I am adapted to morons & idiots who repeat ad infinitum
Much ado about everything in your blinded sides, don’t pay attention, it’s your mistakes that kill ‘em
Killers are the creators, come on man, y’all can’t be blinded by the clear light forever, Wake TFU y’all
I can’t & won’t be transmitting data twice, it’s a one-time Charlie, it will self-destruct in ten seconds.
Cancer means cellular data replication is mutated by either recombination of recessive genes or luck
Fear of fear itself will shock infants to elders without defense from the predators who kill for fun food
You & I would never do that even if there was no choice, we’d choose crucifixion death for bad blood
Oh, WTF, that’s despair, I can’t talk about killing God on Earth, rock motion to hasten the Singularity.
Think without being safe from predators & you either live or die depending on your most fit defense
With no mother’s teat-lactose, only a formula without your mother and father, a petri dish, womb less
Or more if appropriate, dig holes to bury the dead & way gone, allow the flesh to return to the red dirt
Rocks jagged & smooth, roll away but always return, you can see the back of your own head & shirt.
Buy & sell, high and low without any thought of being alive the next moment or day, week or annuals
You can’t believe anything if you are a septic, it’s impossible to drink waste-water without chemicals
Inside what is outside of each one of us, including Neo-Marxists, idiotic morons, Earth inhabitants
Cast no aspersions, just the facts headed your way, don’t worry & be happy, as we all die like ants.
Sponges soak up the wetness until the universe dries up and disappears into thin air, empty Space
Common idiots move you on the radio and the TV, no matter how it flies, you will pay the full price
Fill her up the fuel-gas hole that leads to the storage tank, fire in the hole kept away from all octanes
Seeds, stalks, leaf, flower, smoke & edible consumables, killer bees & red ants all over lion’s manes.
Loathe the “unknown” X that nobody can prepare for, it comes every time, in every case
Nobody has any rights or privileges in that occult place, spells of purple magic in your face
Fake belief is suspended for a moment in Time, conclusion can be reached before we all die
It may not be too late, but you may not have much longer to complete the mission, no lie.
Stoned junkies tryin’ to jaywalk alone on the tenth avenue, nobody give a flick of the switches
If you could, you would but you can’t, so you won’t, it’s the puppies’ souls, litter of the bitches
Dead set & burned or buried, if you think the Form matters to God, you’re wrong as a sea witch
Battle murders until the war ends and then it repeats ad infinitum, population control fast pitch.
Around the bend of the mountain, the tracks show the only way to get to the In & the Out of It
Mummies in crypts or coffins or ashes in urns, Davey Jones locker for the rest, every bit o’ honey
Dead and an optional memory left over in the lexicon for recollection in another millennial skit
Players acting as if they’re immortal when it’s the opposite, they die 1st thru 7th, sons of Sonny.
Bombs away from bad guys, no evil can arise we’ll call it extinction of Mankind, failure, good sons
In the cryptocurrency there is no silver or gold, idiots and morons trained by mothers’ inventions
Never right, seldom wrong, the things that exist won’t live during the sun’s ex-implosion in a hole
Black or white holes make the difference, one is a hill goin’ up & the other one’s goin’ down slow.
Hearts and the bodies of the species-rich seven continents of Earth have no hope in a cluster bomb
Every square centimeter gets the metal through its nucleus, every red & white blood cell, no tomb
Annihilated from the matrix & surface of burnt ash, the oceans flow and ebb to the redskin beats
Beast is evil but so are insects and bacteria, entering our living cells’ verve to eat its own defeats.
Sycophant social club cheering for the other side to beat us all, take my property & deter survival
High or low, you are the missiles full of TNT & the motherlode of systems to the wild in the corral
If you don’t keep power in line, you will probably lose what meager amount you possess, it’s Life
People, culture cancelling extinction is invisible, it’s occult magic, atomic fission and fusion strife.
Dead & gone, back there again, alpha and omega on the timeline, Future to Past of a Presence
High or low, hard or soft, living in the material world with the material girls is what I like, so nice
Chantilly lace, pretty face, wiggle in the walk, makin’ our world go ‘round when it’s a dream sense
Afterward when the preface has been presented for your edification, only then, roll the ol’ dice.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, July XIIth, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ Drafted while jammin’ to #CantYouHearMeKnockin @TheRollingStones link @ https://youtu.be/3fa4HUiFJ6c }
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