
Wednesday, August 16, 2023

#MightyMouseTraps #JrWalkerAndTheAllstars #ImARoadrunnerBaby @Santana @WARtheBand

Stuck here right now for the moment, I may mutate at any given time, so fly high in purple skies
Higher than the Space all around this planet’s rocky roads, empty mind, void spirit, a body dies
Where you were before the body was a combined egg & sperm, that place in Space is One goal
Each secret you hear compounds into your ignorance of the Truth, STFU before your ass’s hole.

Moves are by pawns until the losers enter the fray, rooks, knights, bishops & the Queen of hearts
Head on a guillotine for real, tiny neck without a need for a 90-pound blade falling out God’s hand
Seven holes in the head falling into the basket below, eyes, nose, ears & mouth’s lips, pauper men
Ignorance is the bliss which One covets & retains in the DNA ova, all adults are species’ has-bins.

Inside of your games that you play with or without established rules, there’s a seed for extinction
It’s the Not To Be part that bothers us all, the living care about the dead because we’re all gonna go
Sooner or later the idiots and morons take over the women and their babies grow into the bad RNA
Messages on paper, on screens, on-line will disappear once the material world rejects human DNA.

Extinction of the animation that is invisible from 8 miles high, you can’t see any people, cats or dogs
For the reality and the surreal presence of ghosts & spirits in the day & night, I am sloppin’ the hogs
Cheers from naïve, radical followers who merely mock the majority, mimicking, mirroring the cult
Every walk, single, double and triple is a home run for somebody, somewhere BUT I hit a GD TILT!

Bottoms go up when I walk by even if I’m unseen by third eyes that are blind, I have the royal blues
It is exactly what it is, psycho-social misfits cannot be exterminated, absorb their ilk in the whores
So, here live severe mental morons without blame or responsibility, locked up, reality drug stupors
Aliens came & we’re left over, you live, you die, you cry, I don’t care, we don’t care who begot yous!

Word said, soft or loud, just a cool vibration into the ether is enough to set the magic free from a chain
Underneath the chassis & long after the Candy Apple paint job, the machine injects the venom for pain
Too many people before I was born had gone too far, even more will go further long after ol’ bones die
Feeling alive for a while, lucky to have received the momentary lapses of reason, salami on Jewish rye.

Afraid of the fish in the Dead Sea, they are alive, but they are born from things nobody sees but UFO’s
Darkness everywhere inside & outside of your perception’s imagination, bribed & blackmailed by holes
Black or White Ones, all of them can move around freely and dependent only upon the wind & the fire
Repeat ad infinitum, cease to breathe, heartbeat terminate, just because gods want to take you higher.

Music beats the rhythm & rhyme into your psychic bone, up your kundalini backbone to a cortex flex
Dawn opens up the darkness’ Truth, seeing everything in context, Nothing is clear for magic trick sex
Abracadabra I’ve said, please & thank you before the thing itself materializes from an empty vacuum
Bringing it on home from the outskirts of being way gone, far out beyond any subatomic ocean scum.

Get off of my rainbow, it’s my con-job to myself, forcing my lies to become the Truth, absolute scat rat
You know the meaning of pretending to misunderstand someone you want to throw in a whiskey vat
Nobody can apologize for vague affronts to the ego, the id or super ego, except Freud’s analysis fake
Life’s a bowel movement of Nature, it’s what it’s all about, be the #S#it in a piece of angel food cake.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mercredi, August XVIth MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST
{ Mission completed while jammin’ to #TheTwilightZone1985 link @ https://youtu.be/bsShHK6iBp8 }



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