Maybe you’re almost dead and gone, mighty, mighty, spade & whitey, as above, so below here in #yousBonding in nobody’s reality, shut the mouths of the screeching sirens who had & still have daddy issues
On the right & the left of the center, in the middle of your mind’s core where there’s nothing left inside
Being and Nothingness analyzed concept by concept until silence is left over, fake, false predication tide.
Lies in skullbones moving to your feet & hands, walk or run with gusto, two hands out for a freedom fate
Borders annihilated by the horde of your enemies, your leader is needed to be a general & admiral Corps
Bring your freedom with you when you’re comin’ over to fight here, you'll die if you try to Trojan Horse
Flanks open, borders wide open, nobody’s coloring in-between the lines of the territory, no guard’s gate.
Fish in the sea all gone, eaten and not reproduced before the extinction came in like nitro-g in the baggie
Fools born & die just like few heroes & villains but they have no choice in any matters of starshine energy
Apes are loose but under the conscience of the nation, stopping the good and evil confusion of a Nirvana
After living together with people or alone, a loner, still all too human, all together, utter symmetry of Ga.
Crucial deductions comin’ well before your winding up the last details about the pending doom, outta air
What you doin’ with your skin & bones’ organic matter, buried or burned, it’s the same, azure soul’s hair
Burning in the hot gas, as if it’s not supposed to be that way, but it is all about that, too hot to handle gas
Deduced & induced by propositional logic, before being analyzed by Greece & Rome’s grateful dead adz.
Mood in hot pink or glowing chartreuse & red-orange yarn on a disguised leader’s hook, roe’s gulp ready
First a twelve pounder & finally an eighteen pounder, of course I released them like nuclear missiles’ TNT
For some other angler to approach it’s nose & gulping swallow of salmon egg cluster, unhooked humane
The key of extinction is the beginning of the species’ deterioration of a Will to Power & surviving all pain.
Feeling ill, asking stranger humans to help your health recover, they won’t cooperate with you, let you go
All alone in Ends of the Time you’ve snagged out of thin air, thanks to your mother’s & father’s love show
Gone rich and poor, powerless & omnipotent, the peace between wars increasing in conflict, means, alas
Y'all illegal, we all know & those we don’t, gottaway invisible from the moon’s viewpoint, we’re GAS!
Look for the weed, look for the owners, they’ll addict you and then they’ll kill the business, lay-off THC
It is the method of madness to pretend to be friendly before you behead yourself, come on stupid, free
To be or not to be, there’s no question the border needs police, young people from high school recruits
You want to fight in a gang, country or city boy, you'll die, a #Gotaway is DEAD, look at the silk #Suits!
In the end nothing is funny, here’s your last request, call my friend to say goodbye, you already did It
Fare thee well from the alpha to the omega, your mind is intact, bones are burnt, flesh wound of chit
Funk melted down into a menudo for Earth’s world-ending scuffle with the extinction philosophy high
Debt of your nation cannot be repaid, historical & biblical proportions build to crescendo, you will die.
Jackass kick makes you wake up if you were walking in your sleep, it’s better when you’re all woke-up
Drug is of the Earth, we’re addicted, no choice or freedom to change to the opposite, dead-end drop
You lived there at the curb, filled in with the cottonseed from the twin oak trees, wind-blown corner
That’s all there is, it is what it is, we are the ones who say so, kidding, it is I myself who is the Homer.
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, Rocktober One-One, MMXXIII Anno Domini @ 444 AMPST
{ Somebody’s at war, drafted while jammin’ to https://t.co/mTC2HILvfW #MythsFromTheUnderworld & #TheMostTerrifyingThingsInSpace link @ https://youtu.be/Ovzx0F9es-g?si=IJgV93IisQSoaXKU }

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