High as a kite, flyin’ on a thought of wind blowing paper and wood up into the stratosphere’s thin airTime is Outerspace and nothing else matters, you know and I know the answers we asked up in there
Be prepared you boy scouts of America, certainly you’ve lived past the 1960’s, God’s darned hippies
Right angle of the triangle only leaves another ninety degrees for the measure of the one eighty fix.
To be or not to be the quasi-straight line stretching from abstract points of no return to here and now
Being all too human helps a lot, there’s nothing more you can do but give it the best you got, you cow
Drank teat milk to grow from a newborn through adolescent until spoiled yogurt sufficed, you dupes
Apes, monkeys, created or evolved, matter and energy conflicting until the annihilation of the troops.
Intelligent, uneducated men & women don’t allow the light of day, secret weapon, towers of babble
Have your baby taken away by the bad guys and trained to hate mankind, hate his & her own mind
To be or not to be ain’t a question to be entertained, one command, #GiveUpYourGhost to our gods
It’s Gold that’s the God, check out the Golden Calf of the desert people, still killin’ Cain and Abel.
Smoke a little smoke, natives of America came here from somewhere else, nowhere you’ve been to
Awake or sleeping and dreaming, both ways yield identical results, death’s final gasp of gas, #BOO!
Too human, subordinates are either orphans or children of stupid, idiotic fatherless children’s wars
God is evil & a neutral Devil is the good, the bad and the ugly, the triumvirate of things themselves.
Follow Blind Faith from stillborn baby to born baby, passing for all too human who foster divinity
Of It, the most fit among the pool of DNA, allowed to recombine in various forms of molecularity
Processing total annihilation of all species on the planet, this old chit, ‘Earth’ just because of that
That you see, hear, touch, smell & taste all things, it’s the whole point of being conceived in scat.
Flush your used fuel down the sewer pipes underground, you smell but you can’t see the refused
Eat, drink, be merry as long as you possibly can or else, you’ll lose your only chance at happiness
Any philosopher-priest worth their weight in gold will shut the phuquin up the moment it comes
Out of nowhere or inside of your heart’s soul, wisdom to metabolize the power, when in #Romes.
Polar bears programmed to have ivory fur & opportunity learn hunting & killing for food, avoid death
Need the berries, all of them, sophisticated to be divorced from reality and go to sleep ‘til you’re old
Death unto the best and the worst of the species, every species on Earth, plant and cro-magnanimal
Battle the dead for life, the dead hate the living, watch for the TNT to excavate the lead and the gold.
My horses like whiskey after they drink their trough of beer, we’ve the day & night off, sing a song
Died in battle, warriors galloping dead into the knife fight, in the day’s dawn twilight, all night long
You are a moron, you’re an idiot, I’m talkin’ to myself, not you, don’t take it personal unless y’all do
Copy you, copy me, exit and reentry into the cosmic soup, an embodiment of atrophy, hullaballoo.
Big finish the beginning before it all ends, you recollect why you got conceived yet? No? OMG!
Now, you’re nearly at the final act before the final curtain, you watched a few rise and fall out
Of friends & foes, none made it out alive, ne’er one came back for a any signal they’re through
Not even one close or distant relative, neither priest, rabbi or infidel papa warned me, so BOO!
Losers lose because they’re losers before they even begin the game, 1st inning, 1st quarter, et al
It’s fancy and free when you’re as loose as a goose, easy to react quickly to the radical changes
Comin’ up or down, this is a teaser for you to look forward to, blind as a bat though you may be
Heart in charge of a soul at a point prior to the last gasp for gas, soul searchin’ for the holy scat.
Hips swung, puffed out the rib cage’s muscle tone and hot glands, a species survives the extinct
Mummy bound and locked in a stone-rock, rigor mortis confused with reawakening all the dead
Bums & junkies peruse the living to find out what they can glean from the white trash & re-fries
Evolution rollin’ with the revolution, the wobble & rotation of the dirty rocks, God’s spittoon lies.
Got all I need to exist for a minimum of one day, after all I’m in the middle of nowhere special
Eating, drinking, hiding my scent from the environment, word said it goes without saying it all
Just a whisper of the air comin’ out of your lungs, lips and mouth saying it loud, in turpentine
Yes you are, I am as well, we’re all alive unless we’re dead, oh my 0 plus 5 and 10 make fifteen.
Mild and when absolutely necessary intense commands to get an eye for eye and tooth for a tooth
Lowering the threshold for entry, reentry to your mother Earth’s womb, down in the ground pound
Where angels fear to go because they aren’t so fond of the scent of the human, male or female, so
It’s the way Evolution will extinguish this specific species, #Stink #Stank #Stunk to high heaven.
r j j stephan, i
c. Vendredi, ROCTOBER 13th MMXXIII Anno Domini
{ Jacked this up while jammin to @ThePointerSisters #BetchaCanCan #WeCanWorkItOut https://youtu.be/DXRjBVXanzc?si=0aWwEbNOPQQec6QY }
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