Had a couple of close calls in the last few decades of shakin’ & rattlin’ the hit songs At the final moment of consciousness’ confession, you wake up just in time, it bongs
A gong so loud that there’s no mistake it’s callin’ for your soul to come home to the Air
Nothing you can do, nobody to call for assistance, there’s no 911 or even a 411 to care.
Existence being an accident of confluence, asteroids and a plethora of galactic kinks
So small that it’s unobservable and too large to see a single sickle cell of blues & pinks
Soaked & wet as the day you stole oxygen, slapped in the arse to choke-up a mortal sin
Drowning underwater that literally came out of nowhere, Earth stopped the FOX spin.
Desisting the momentum of the perpetual motion, the only zero unmasks holy holies
Deep inside of the Golden Calf the micro-tool spirit pools wisdom & knowledge of G’s
Little g or Big G, a point is moot for certain, appearances are shapes of forms’ smoke
Wearing lenses to clarify 1 vision when you’re blind as a bat, Resistance’s futile joke.
Random recombination of human DNA, cesspool’s microcosm of a dream in a dream
Swear on a sack of sifted kits in the caboodle or whichever stack of a flowing stream
Movie made cinema, stage play acted live without camera, no warning sign of ships
No flags, no exploding ordinance leaving a puff of smoke to float into oblivion’s lips.
Humankind extinct without a whisper, a flick of the switch, unintended in holy finale
Broken mind and body of bones completely immersed in the fire and ice, not for sale
Golden silence transubstantiated from the heavy lead pencils that scribbled words
Vulgar or elegant linguistic expression all accepted; the Void prefers songs of birds.
Game is over, you tilted the machine’s balance of the bumper bounce, flipper timing
Drain the balls down the center of the plane, justice runs you in, stonewalls’ bumping
No more loving charity for everything that is alive with life, hope for the hopeless men
Good being the following the orders, commands of behavior to achieve being a human.
Laughing or crying for various reactions to fear, terror & happiness’ fulfillment, it’s life
All people on every continent on Earth live & die, def comedy stand up joking 2nd wife
Heavy pots Moke or none at all, cracks in the rainbow allow the breach, gone to satori
Higher agog than a wad of perfect neutrinos, still alive in a perfect swath of potpourri.
Punches thrown both left uppercut and right cross to catch a knockout punched chin
So pretty and elegant that it appears as a chimera that’s not real in the real world sin
Pinched in a portal of venial, original sins that have no forgiveness, kill a God on Earth
In repayment for your ignorance and lack of common sense, you’ll die & get to rebirth.
Atoms in flux, molecular suicide if mutation malfunctions the whole shebang matrix
You’ll be just fine without me, like you were before we met in your mind on an LSD trip
Sixteen to seventy-three, seventy-six trombones blow the notes of the score, a life flip
Fractions of One are all a part of the One although deficient in the essence, nine is Six.
One time when I was young I dreamed I’d be this old, as old as I am & still get around it
The terror and fear has nothing to do with me anymore, I eat ‘em for lunch & then I spit
Out of Timing on my last breath, one more blink after the 182, then caput, It is All done
Lines shrink into a dot-period and then it’s a faded spot disappearing, too late, so fun!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, April 10th MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 311 PMPST
{ High or low
consciousness’ stars line up sooner or later, get ready to go, don’t blink or
it will be a close call, jammed this holy Word time while jammin’ to #CountryStrong
@TraceAdkins #Ghits like #TimingIsEverything link @ https://youtu.be/0qxqjDYqkhI }
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