
Friday, June 14, 2024

HappyFathersDayWeek #GrammasHand #Matrices & #Godfatherz4 #ParrotHeads @JimmyBuffett

Imposters will rock this world until the real ones show their thousand faces, they're the chit
Of being alive on Earth whether before or after an imaginary zero year of the planetary s#it
Whatever it is, it's going around and it comes around ad infinitum, border to coasts of sand
Dirt and snow make the thing itself appear to be more than it's essence, it's a thin man.

Partly of the Time and Space where you've accidentally been deposited into darkness’ pit
To see The Light coming at birth & lose the light altogether at death, that's life man, that's it
Sure it's uncertain that there's a soul/spirit independent of a body's skull & bones, it's faith
Believe it or not, it will be the way it will be either way you jump to a conclusion, it's a fate.

Sons completely free to roam the prairie until humans trap & kill you for your body's blood
Drunken gods, eating the flesh that grew from an invisible egg & flagellating in a dark hood
Too much to handle for anyone over the age of sixty, therefore sanctuary's door’s padlocked
Too late for elders to absorb the facts of life, they're lucky they've lived so long in a head.

My ancestors & descendants who've been ruled by dictators, kings, queens & able bodies
Every single one of them, educated or ignorant, all were born innocent of original apple sins
Preschooled in the elementary & higher levels of language & mathematics, I'm still the One
That's a single thing I know for certain since everything, every category is suspected reason.

Suns are stars and there's zillions of them in empty Space, on the other hand, only One RA
Callin' this thing you're experiencing whatever you please, the Word itself is cock's formula
Recipe in code which none have the key to other than us & we're blinkin' four eyes to bury
Standing at the door, remain still or open & enter the portal, jump out of the second story.

Funky facts sent via fax or twixt in code red, meeska, mooska, mouses, we're all gonna die
As a humdinger hurled from mound to the battery box only to die being a payback whack
Homer players do nothing but win if hey can and lose only if necessary & sufficient shtick
I know you don't know like I know, so all you do is laugh when all I can do is weep & cry.

Preach to me man, you got no clue on what to do, waiting for the po’ #UBER ride to you
Where you went & why you left make no difference to me, I’ll move heaven above too
If it’s in my way, welcome to oblivion, I’ll even save you from the monsters of the monks
Nobody is home, ain’t nobody in the cave, daddy’s gone, left us all alone in the high funk.

On the far side of the far end of the yard stick full of millimeters and degrees of separation
I welcome the unwelcome to enter the merge of their energy to re-identify with the zygote
One that came before opinions that all of the assholes have, it's the nature of the beast skin
Cover up of a Future stank before it happened in reality, as I will, all lookin' for gunga din.

You got your pogo stick & you can’t jump around like you used to when you were twelve
Fall down on the concrete curb or alleyway or asphalt turf in the street, bloody scab life
Hurry faster than I can go, fall down on the ground over and over, stayed down there too
Last call was six feet under, what I’ve done, well it’s all over, my atoms crumble to blue!







r j j  stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, June XIV, MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Ate up real estate to regurgitate & defecate or urinate as above, so below, keepin' the fire lit inside of the diaper pamper written in fecal matter, just checkin' to see if anyone's readin' this...  wrote this while jammin' to @BareNakedLadies #HITS on youTube link @LIBERTY FATHERS DAZED }

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