
Saturday, August 24, 2024

SHOOPIE DOO TO YOU! #JudasWasAPriest @JudasPriest #ShoopADoop #ZZTop #OneFootInTheBlues #AlleyGator #ZZTop #PleadTheFifth

you make a grown man cry...   start me up, go ahead, get off of my cloud
High misdirected misdemeanor
Not as complicated as it appears to be once you know how to start & ride two wheels
It’s a business, none of yours though, my time & my space right now, right here it feels
Like it’ll go on forever, yet it doesn’t, history repeats ad infinitum, nobody remembers it
Therefore, it’s like this & it’s like that, fill in the blanks, life grows out of fecal matter chit.

Doom to look backward to, where I come from in the womb of woman, where you from?
Choice to freely choose the Truth or become a blind believer in a Great Liar’s Styrofoam
Serious nekid, brain-washed atoms of Judas Priest, traitor to the savior of the universals
Walk into Ohio streets & get mauled by a machine, rolling metal on rubber wheels, pals!

A Mass of Maria, a sound of all of the air leaving & causing a vacuum in the empty Void
Always was and always will be that way, a UFO on the run until fission & fusion amend it
Nobel & Perfect Pulitzer to corrupt It, aptly fierce, yet innocent of Mathematician Physics
Higgs-Boson held in God’s hand, no coincidence it’s a conspiracy that’s conspicuous.

Dream in a foggy bottom bog, wake up all woke & broke without a penny to pitch online
Speaking & hand signaling to communicate the plan to live & die, dug up in a gold mine
Deep or shallow depends on Earth’s substances to create something from nothingness
Culture is organized building of skyscrapers and singing, playing & dying under duress.

Achieved high points and reduced to decomposition, body & soul, let’s be honest people
Cigarette buts and cigar smoke in a white room without curtains & one door with no exit
Plato nor Mona Lisa had no chance to exit, neither Aristotle, Socrates or the ‘X’ Christ
Emerge submerged into the forever Unknown, as if you get the gist of 1’s being pizzed.

Get a grip on yourselves, ain’t no free choice in survival, either you’re alive or a corpse
Shot the messenger for this substratum of data, expunged for the sake of the big force
You’ll get the message like all of the dead got the moment they died, boom, you’re dead
Just like that, taken for granted and then the inevitable tic rears it’s beautiful, ugly head.

Bitten off exactly as much as I could chew, I swallowed the matter, byte by bit scat saga
Told by heart, from the word that traveled mouth to mouth and print on paper, up MAGA
Keep your hands in your pockets during the race’s trifecta, it’s going to get dicey in here
Like it or not, you’re in the mix, ready to roll with every tool you have in the shed’s lair.

Lying will help you be excoriated, quid pro quo can’t hide idiotic morons anywhere et al
Bent out of shape, got bent on the East Coast and sunburnt on the West Coast, my pal
Maybe you’re awake or #Woke but you’re for certain able to deduce absolute Truth pie
Pieces for every atom of fruit & crust of executive privilege, low five on high separation.

Signify this trip you’re on, it may be a hallucination or a flash back from the 60’s or 70’s
Miracle that the cause and effect of the Big Bang is life as we know it on Earth & heaven
Cosmic or microscopically macroscopic in the vision of spiders, snakes & rats we freeze
For dissection and dissemination to the minions to show them, death is Space squeeze.

Mirrors without a reflection show nothing very clearly, crystal clear that Nothing is clear
I have a clue to solve the conundrum, be deaf, be dumb, be blind, just drink a cold beer
Certainty is knowing the Uncertainty Principle is fabricated from grunts of cave’s men
Read the writing on the wall if you can find it, it holds up the ceiling, keeps it all in Zen.

Theoretically irresponsible, I compromise all of the Truth of everything ever said & done
History is limited to accuracy yet is inaccurate as the imperfect humans havin’ their fun
Securocrat in the middle of the road, can’t move to the right or the left, at One with Zip
Out of Earth’s stratosphere, Origin comes to the fore and you know It’s an infinite skip.

Tears dried sinuses full of phlegm & soybean juice from WTF silos at Grand & Laramie
Inside of Chicago’s run under the viaduct to the top of the heap, whipped cream Stewie
Hypersonic speed inside all holes everywhere in every atmosphere on every planet set
Going from million miles per hour to parsecs per minute, bending dimensional time out.

All that’s left is the spark of intelligence ready to blow the rest of the whole shebang up
Atoms in a dire struggle to emit their inner power, it’s a Big Bang will be all shoopy-doop
105,000 feet higher than the mud, blood & beer down on the dead sea star-dirt in a rally
Virus, bacteria, plants, animals, life and death cycle of this End we dubbed, The Finale.

Form, structure of the matter is in code, divine beyond peace and war, it’s a Big Bang
You were there in spirit, you had no idea and you will never recollect the act, OM sang
In the Void’s air, aisles were lit by ushers with flashlights, unencumbered by the dark Id
Pink or burnt red before the last blink any life gets with an eye for death, I eat it all fried.

Nevermore a raven wondering if it was all just a matter of time until the rotting corpse pi
3.14 of this & that parallel line may be perpendicular in almighty junctures of empty sky
Bears & bulls rule the political and economic breeze, silo-hibernate tyranny’s supremacy
One to the Many, same scam as scams from a square Garden, Adam & Eve pure idiocy.

Die sooner or later, you’ve no choice in Hades, only Cielo knows the time-line cruncher
From conception to cellular failure of the genome, that’s life as you all know it to be her
Female she is, all lives of mine & yours, there’s no need for the Male, invisible Void feed
Fix is in, enemies absorbed into the agar gum of the petri dish of love, a God y’all need.

Follow the bouncing ball, cognitive disorder for all, babies’ formulas & Gerber food stuff
From bottom feeder repulsive scum disguised as words telling the Truth on political fluff
Amazing fear & loathing fill up the Void and extinction is immanent for logic and reason
Punch in the face, awake now? Your attention's arrested, eh? You’re screwed, my son.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, August XXIVth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1111 AMPST
{ Scrubbed for this operation this AM, drafting the graft while jammin’ to
@CharlieParker HITS link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXP84ijiLbg }

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