You have what it takes to make the machine work in tune with all solar systems’ #fakeDrones
Not just this solar system that Earth rotates around within but also, Alpha Beta Zappa clones
For the love of Adam and Eve and the UFO aliens from other dimensional space-time’s up
Comprehending the full extent of the infinity you’ll never be able to imagine, will you #STFU.
Cavemen and evermore clearly ignored logic and reason caused this evolutionary struggle
Survive? But why? Is this a dream? Is this something like a kangaroo court’s horn bugle
Frozen stiff in the flames of the hottest fire sent from the Sun, the Star’s burnin’ atom-mix
Reasons and causes for everything except for the most important conundrum’s dynamics.
Before you die you cannot become enlightened with the grace of a creator’s imaginary blues
A last breath will come soon enough, there’s no need to shroud the Truth in the #FakeNews
Comin’ up from stellar filth, ashes of a million bones in a mountain array, a zenish, holy bowl
Where nobody’s soul or spirit goes without a clue, that this is it, all there is, #FireInTheHole.
What happens when you find yourself alive and trained by morons, idiots, priests and nuns?
I found out and it’s for me to know, indeed, for you to find out, trust me, targets ain’t easy
In the end you and I will become the dissolved salt in empty space, fodder of human lives
Recollected for the sake of the mob mentality, string ‘em, stone ‘em, fry ‘em all, high fives!
Not from another planet, just this future time of this One and your present is my longass past
What y’all have done is run out of ideas, y’all contaminated the genome’s DNA, nothing’ll last
Peking to D.C. won’t get you anywhere special other than to the end of the infinite’s war game
Win, lose or draw nothing but net, Io-dazzler of holy drones, #ChinaBlanc opium’s to blame?
r j j stephan, i
c. May 30th, 2019 A.D. @ 9:11 AM PST
{ blasted out of my face’s skull content while listenin’ to Armstrong & Getty Radio Show on Talk 650 KSTE 0600-1000 PST this AM, done by #NineOneOne & done! }