--#joker to the #thief---#SomeKindaWayOuttaHere--
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Manner of speakin’ all things named this n’ that, mosquito bitten shooters, azure shots 2x2
All jacked up, all of it but we are all there is, we’re all or it, there’s nothing outside of here
Space and Time are the illusions of the drunken, mind-altered by plants of psychotic fear
Angels all feared to go to the place mama told us to beware of, the danger leading to death.
Drunk no more when every bottle of moonshine breaks Jack'd #BlackLabelWhiskey to bits
Yell and sing, croon and cry the jazz and blues and country rock, fillin’ in Garlic festival fits
Why do morons and idiots make it past human conception, what was wrong, tell their mama
Dropped on their heads, starved of formula, iron, minerals for brain malfunction, kill papa.
Crows n’ ravens #AllJackedUp with #futura-eChat you taste well enough, take bytes my shill!
They don’t care if you’re good or evil, they care that you taste well enough to git down to it pal
Don’t shoot the messenger when you get the drift, go propose your abstract counter example
There ain’t any, you don’t know like I do, planted stooges know it, Word power’s my freewill.
Here’s a miracle, that I man could be born to this world to force Peace and Prosperity on all
Good guys and Bad guys, patrons of the Good and the Evil, here and now before death’s knoll
Adam’s Eve or a gravitationally collapsed atom created from a Void or #EvilGenius god-sons
Magic potions and spells of sounds of gibberish, beckoning the idiots who roam dimensions.
You know medicine men can’t help you get all jacked up, they want you to remain, copacetic
In the depths of despair and at the pinnacle of ecstasy, nothing remains to be seen, it’s a Void
Nothing from nothing leaves nothing and everybody knows deep down within, quickening tic
Jacked up intercourse, demoncratic bad attitude, still #TimeFlies on Earth’s rollin’ spheroid.
r j j stephan, i
c. July 29th, 2019 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST