---- #noEscapebaby ----
Do not shoot this messenger, it’s not my fault that I carry the torch for the Absolute Truth
Hidden deep in the Vatican and the Holy See with a map on the ceiling and floor in a booth
No waitresses or waiters, no cooks, no chefs, no mothers milk, Nothing but a thing, Y O U
Cause of the effects you see and ones that will be, that is invisible, arbitrary UV light blue.
Elephant in a mouse-hole or a mouse in an elephant hole, either way, mine or a US highway
Mantra of the smoke and mirrors to make the babies feel better about being alone in the day
All alone at night under the stars, clouded by the water vapors, hydro-carbons of neutrino pal
Time and Space is a vote of the universal, empty set { } of nugatory essence, God’s a criminal.
Oh, what would you do if you created a family of people and then abandoned them in a tube?
Smaller than a test tube, miniature people dolls alive, eating, defalcating my funds, loving me
Taking everything I got ‘cause I gave it everything I had, all of my friends left me here, below
Alone, deep in the open sea of outer space, way up above the border of the Rio Grande, I flow.
Poncho didn’t know that I had to go far away from the surface, I was in the open public parks
In the darkness where the eyes can’t see me, where I thrive without the light, love social marx
If the governing body of the minions wants everything you’ve got, you are forced to give it up
The rot of death is yours, release your mythological tips, love your mama, we’re already gone!
r j j stephan, i *As I Lay Dying - link @
c. BLOVEMBER 13TH, 2019 A.D. @ 1:11 AM PST
{ drafted knowing that my mother and father were BOTH genders, female and male, yet I am ONE! Who would have thought? Drafted while jammin’ to the debts that will not be paid and will lead to #Bankruptcy of the #Void, & jammin’ to Korn #WordUp on youTube link @https://youtu.be/-M7vOnlcLbo