WTF is this? A masquerade party of washed-out coiffures of professors and secretaries
Laughing about how funny it is that they never thought they’d be in the public red eyes
Showing the beautiful dental work of the chuckles will help with the photo-ops’ airbrush
My teeth and you teeth have bitten off more than it can chew, where’s your daddies, eh?
Whistle-blow this with your rights to face your accuser, you ARE guilty by an association
With the dentures slipping in and out of the jaws due to polident failure of #DueProcess
Which constitution are you living under? United in states of amnesia, I recollect it, Yes!
I’ve forgotten everyone and everything before day 1, my day 1 before my concept, sin Sin.
It was made flesh and It dwelt amongst us, from a hand-off to a fully elongated flipped T-bird
Inspector of the generals sham to keep the troops under the thumb of the Unknown genie jin
Created this dream within a dream by accident or fine-ass design, to wit, beautifully human!
Let me whisper in your ear again, it’s a sweet nuthin’ but my heated breath gets high on Fire
If not the flame itself, sniffing the smoke and soot bring me back home, a Big Bang blow, sire
Knights and paupers, queens, kings, princesses and their history’s phantasmagorical vacuum
Way down the black hole to the singularity when it opens your mind and your guts to empty!
In and out of Time and Space goes the worm, burrowing wherever there’s no resistance here
Rainfall from heaven never reaches the ground of being here and now, dried up prune’s fear
Standing on the corner watching all of the girls go by, from my school and across the tracks
South Jersey down the block, right in back of my bedroom’s window glass, dream flashbacks.
What are you talking about? Two bits of hyperbole for everyone born in a holy see, gold One
US or E, the mail won’t end the strife, data-wars and info-gluttons devour the bytes, two by two
Ready to hurt your feelings, imagine this, you’ve got one more day to live, soon, you are nigh
Contingency appropriated, #FakeNews love of divinity’s POTUS’ peach, an ingrown hair pie.
r j j stephan, i
c. FRIDAY, BLOVEMBER 15TH, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ #Squawk #ConscienceOfTheNation trolling in utero, listenin’ to #FakeNews chatter on the #Marconi listenin’ to The Facebook Church of Armstrong and Getty on Talk 650 KSTE Armstrong & Getty #RunUpTheFlagpole & #InBetween listenin’ to #TheGreatOne RadioAtlantis Mark Street PODCAST link @ }