
Saturday, June 13, 2020

#NoJusticeYall #YourEyesTellASadStory

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, June 13, 2020
-------  #TweetThisToInifinity -------
Here and now is a reason to be trigger happy if you got a gun or rifle to divinity’s forsoothes
Killing the corn and onion fields so that the plastic and steel could come to highest heavens
Can’t see anything past your blind corneas because the lights are all turned off, cherry fuzz
The dream started, it ended and y’all didn’t even know it was the Reality, all there ever was.

Pick a place outside of the palace, down any alley or backwoods hollar and you’ll be my food
It is what the genome does, throw the worst scenario up to the screen, we’re all in, We good
Yet miracles keep happening, they’re goin’ out of style, Smith on one side, Wesson the other
In a dark flashback in a dark, holy hole of #1 and #2, I hid from the killers of the backwoods.

I stood up in middle of marxism and lenninist slim shadiness, yet my groove survived a scum
Bananas and antelope are an antidote to the monkey dance, apes & trolls leakin’ it out some
Boys and girls learn to count to 10 and recite the ABC’s to write down 10 rhymes on 2 stones
Commandments to order your chaos in a straight and phuqed up One Way, yo’ mom’s bones.

Forties to seventies like a flash in the pan, proud to be out of my mind, once again, I’ve won it
Didn’t even know the rules or who was runnin’ the game, just knew I could rise to tops of chit
Evened it all up before the last gasp and last insight into humanity’s conventions, life of Huck
Harder than hell to accept a Truth, we’re here and gone, that’s it, caput! Custody? Upchuck!

Fine and dandy, it’s mighty cool, copacetic to the One and the Many, attention please, copy?
It’s the middle path where the groove is invisible, nobody goes there but the lost and sloppy
Accidentally runnin’ in the middle of the antidote for the Reality, as it is, punishment of Eve
Stick Adam up the Creator’s holy emptiness, where the Void’s my DNA up my mama’s sleeve.

Slim and very shady like a rat and a crow, mixed DNA of varmints and cannibals who love It
Living is It, anyway it goes it’s better than the alternative, closed coffin in underground chit
Minced meat and blanched legumes are to die for, hunters of living game kill the innocents
What do you care about it for? Attention please, just ignore the scree, just a GD #SlimChady.

#CheckYourOwnCoat I don’t need your tips and flips and chips, it’s a little bit funny but Not
Rather than be the One you are, here and now; hence, it’s a cinch that you are a bloody robot
In the particular or the general sense, it’s a mere fait complet for both poor and rich solo soul
Which #BigBang blew, lived and died for Reason’s logic, a #WAR form of #PEACE, let’s roll!

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, June 13th, 2020 Anno Domini @ 11:11 AM PST
{ Drummed up #LivingAndBreathing the #PhiladelphaFreedom listenin’ to Hall & Oates on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/VYKeA0UnBqc }

Friday, June 12, 2020

#FaitComplet #ShotsOfWhiskey #EXcitableGirls #FicticiousMankind #POTUS45Trump #McHalesNavy #ComeHereSugarBaby #BigBlondAndBeautiful #MakeItBurn

Richard Joseph Stephan · Friday, June 12, 2020
--------- #FreaksGreeksSheiks ----------
Rolled the stones in front of the cave holes, east to see and so very hard to move or remove
Mercury alive by itself, without the soul or spirit inside of the subatomic molecular groove
In Philadelphia or Sacramento, the matter of the stars hits you right smack between the eyes
Snagly Whiplash ain’t gettin’ any peace of mind, poetic license repository of little white lies.

To be a rooted plant or a rolling stone, you cannot be wearin’ a short skirt and a long sweater
Not just because I like that ensemble but because it attracts the immoral drawl or tea twang
Like your mother in prison or underneath the headstone, where matter is stardust’s big bang
If and only if it’s true that the false is true, lies were never lies to the gullible sssssssssssnakes.

Earth, third stone from old Sol, a trip on the Eucalyptus leaf, something about being nothing
All of it including the empty void of Space, matter’s and energy’s dream within a dream thing
In Vogue or LIFE, the point is that Intent matters, it’s the cause of the effects, a dot & a speck
Always ready to go as long as I’m living being, alive, LIVE what’s that backwards? Evil check.

A simple mind and easy rules to follow even if you’re a megalomaniac or a moron, It is Done
Papa didn’t preach to me but he did to his daughters, no sex until marriage a day before fun
It’s all for the babies, children to pay the taxes when you’re too old to believe the blind faith
If you do, it means you’re a wisdom-junky monkey, Truth of a blind man’s heart, I am wraith.

Automobile in a motorcade to put the things themselves into alignment, follow the leaders
Where they go they won’t know until they get there but they’ll arrive nevertheless, breeders
Makin’ one or more of the same type of genome, a perfect product of random DNA spilled
Moved by grooves of music, y’all got white privilege, sad, ugly American legs in a Scot’s kilt.

Marvelous mix of fruits, berries and nuts to satiate the hunger for knowledge’s color power
To start me up and get me ready to blow my top, that is the Way, the path to the tiny Tower
Of Babel or the Power that is what moves the orbit and revolution in exaggeration, do tell
Mitigation of the virus won’t be a possibility since it’s an alien organism, god’s funk particle.

r j j stephan, i
c. June 12th, 2020 A.D. @ 1:11 PM PST

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

#WeGotAProblemHere! #MayIHaveYourAttentionPlease?

Richard Joseph Stephan · Tuesday, June 9, 2020
---------- #StandUp #StandDown ----------
Silenced and happy for certain type of beings, y’all fooled half the ugly americans’ outerspace
Only the thing is, a mask doesn’t protect you, it keeps your germs, only yours, in yo’ GD face
Give me a day. a night to conjure a specific spell to address the virus’ deep purple, Black Hole
Appearance in particular, of the men and rats, leaving angels and zombies outed, it’s a GOAL!

It’s what they say after you find out that you’ve got to remove your cover to drink pot shots
It’ll burn the whole way down, it’ll be worth it, a shot of whiskey without cosmic dust to score
When the Time comes you’ll be the second to know, I’m always the first on my list, evermore
Adverse nature of the evolved beast within the corpus dilecti in utero, harmonic road #Bots.

Motels and hotels pull under my Lovecraft where I land my five-ten for a six shooter barrel
Olive orchard, orange grove, garlic patch, the DNA nourishment won’t stop the dogs so feral
To all of y’all brothers and sisters who used to like and love us before The Man came on back
Once you see that the stir up is what the anarchists do, from agitation, mixin’ in TNT black.

Evened up the score after me being in the lead the entire game, I had the monopoly, you see?
Deemed necessary for essential business of exchanging your gold and silver for a piece of me
I always say it’s my pleasure to serve because it’s the Truth, don’t give me the old world turn
What kind of man is this? Ethics and morality of a gnat, expectation of a Czar, let ‘em burn.

Pinprick on the love apple where the rainbow began the struggle to survive, de funded by God
On the one hand, to be selfish is a learned behavior of liberalism, no moral compass, yo blood
It bleeds out of arteries and veins, the brain gets none of the feed, it’s a load to carry, you dig?
And heavier down below, where your schools taught your children how to act, piggy the pig!

Send somebody with a Poncho Villa attitude toward law and order, hideout of Bigfoot tools
Did the children study in grade school, high school or college? No? Analyze these concepts
Mayhem requires ignorance and blind faith believers in a cause to replace your mom’s debts
Your father and my father were not from the same gene pool, my DNA rules, RNA of fools.

r j j stephan, i
c. Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 A.D. @ 11:11 AM PST