
Saturday, October 03, 2020

#HoeDown #GitGit on the #SlipAndSlide #TwoStepCowboyBoot #SlideToTheLeft #RoundYouGo #Rednecker @DierksBetley @Hardy #DrunkOnAPlane #MoreSpitInMyChaw #JackItUp

Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, October 3, 2020
----------- #LastCallForAlcohol ----------
Amoeba, paramecia and every ape species known to man are the essence of Things, ego
Created from cosmic dust this ego out of nowhere comes knocking on doors in LA & Soho
But why? Reason and the retro analysis of the purpose for being alive yields nothing but air
Ain’t supposed to know or discover it at all, love ignorance of mystery, formaldehyde scare.

You die and depending on the luck of your body’s undertaking procedure, your wings fold
Never needed them in the first place, it’s all in the cosmic mind of the One who’s dreaming
Poorly lit rooms with all of the data needed to get dollars and cents to proceed with Nothing
Beeboppin’ around the flowers just for kicks, I ate it, they want it back, I spit it out, it’s old!

Junkies and bums have Homer power over their addiction to being sky high in naked fakes
Singing songs about consuming and metabolizing the alcohol and cannabinol at a laker wake
Could not come in to see the naked truth about the blown mind and decaying body of work
Adam, Michael, Eve, Dolores or a crowd favorite Karen, one of the many, delivered by stork.

Big times evolve into the microscopic invisibles that animate the muck and the mire of Gas
Gods moved the things, created and destroyed every atom and reincarnated due to nice ass
Not only am I usually right when I can’t be wrong, I’m never wrong, alright, alright, alright
Old ladies and old men drinkin’ vodka, gin and Black Jack #9, just to wake up hung over it.

Spitting images of our forefathers, still struggling for survival because they did not survive
Jokes and episodic tales of the schmucks & schmoozers who shatter a pretender’s love heart
Recorded words of the mouth and the quill, the pencil and pen, become the bible of the hive
Pretty girls, smart and strong boys, all in a mating frenzy knowing it’s a DNA falling apart.

In or out of It makes no difference, a categorical imperative, super purple drops of rainwater
Underneath the cover of #FakeNews & #FakeID’s the sky really falls, so Chicken Little blew
On being ‘neath the last stroke of the hands of Time, last gasp, last call for alcohol, for sure
Boom-bombed out from Mexico to Maine, all done from England to Spain, Chinese bat stew.

r j j stephan, i
c. Saturday, ROCKTOBER 3rd, 2020 A.D. @ 1500 hours PST


Richard Joseph Stephan · Saturday, October 3, 2020
---------- #FreightTrains -----------
Nested, built in the trees high above the hot fire burnin’ the animals mating on a blind date
Only sideways from East to West, a pole to pole roll, rocks’ astral ash of black & white fate
I am neither the resistance nor the annihilator of the things themselves and the hot forms
Animated dreams & lava flows of molten rock ready to be as cool as diamonds and worms.

It appears that all of the tricks were not in the book after all was said and done, full of a blow
That’s what makes the world go around in an infinite rockin’ spin and revolution in gas vats
We call Space, God or gods because we can’t see past the blue or black cloud 9 all here & now
On the side where nobody ever rolls, that’s the side I’m on, my side one way or the other cats.

On your commercial television’s 90 inches of perfectly clear Truth, there is no doubt, Stupid!
All there ever was and all there ever will be after all of US are way long gone lunar X-phases
Where in Space THAT is can be imagined by thinking of being alone in a dark closet of gases
Crazy from inheriting the Will to Survive, at all costs we seek not to starve or get ill of CoVid.

Evolution or Special Creation without evolution, extinction enchantment with the dozens
Nobody is paying attention to me, as it should be, the trip is to remain anonymous on land
In the air or at sea is nowhere that men like, We The People should be, all natural denizens
Super, supra, sub or extraterrestrial, things are animated in different racial combinations.

It don’t matter to me or you but somebody cares and those that held our feet to the fire care
Singing, crying about the comedy and tragedy is about all you’ll get is your God’s audiophiles
Even steven at the seven eleven, a fact of life I missed hearing about, broken free by a cashier
Got away with murder, LIVE Grateful Dead with The Walking Dead on Alcatraz’ Pacific isles.

Back to the nest, thrown out into thin air expecting to fly or to die, that was the original sin
Many perished without batting a wing, alive to replenish the gene pool with aviary chagrin
Inside of the love feeling or far away from any feeling at all, just the consciousness of a void
Either way, you see Nothing is more important or more valuable than this magic moment!

r j j stephan, i
c. SATURDAY, ROCKTOBER 3rd, 2020 Anno Domini @ 9:11 AM PST


Friday, October 02, 2020

#LetsTrumpTheAcesAndKings #GameOver @BeachBoys @CheechAndChong #OxygenAndLove #FreeSpinich #Popeye

-------------- #BEACH -------------

Support nothing and you’ll never be wrong about anything, believe nothing’s red rubber ball
A shell of empty thoughts from the ilk of the dead men’s live women who preceded us, y’all
It wasn’t their faults that they were idiots and morons who mutated into babbling geniuses
For the sake of the critique of pure reason, shut your mouth, zip your lip and stop the fuss!

Bury your knee into the back of the freaks from the seven continents of rat and roach wetback
Crawling, burrowing and eating their infinite ways into the ash of this planet’s dead talking
You got bats to play ball with, bats to bite and inject the venom of the COVid19 #batflu shock
In or out of control is OK if you’re a radio hose(t) without a psychiatrist, just keep dancing.

Two choices and no more than that are needed in this confrontation with the meaning of life
To survive or to become extinct of body and soul, no other way to look at the reality of strife
Talking and speaking kindly won’t get a job done, TV damaged adults who think they’re genii
Here and now, ambulances screech their sirens and play the way to the end of days, it’s over.

Your informed point of view is never needed in the public domain, keep it to yourself pundits
My mother and father taught me the way to be, you cannot help the orphaned ones, so stupid
Using the ability to reason due to the inheritance of rationality of thought, we rise to the top
Of the matrix here and now, this time in this space of infinite, cosmic gold dust & #Cornpop!

Who and what and of course where, most importantly why in the world’s intercourses for all
Why are you and why am I anything more than a thing on Earth that nothing eats you nor me
At least not right now since we are the top of the food chain and that goes with God’s territory
You gotta believe you’ll die when you die, come on man, #Kilroy was here & stole your will!

Brought forth the wet, chilling scum to remix the DNA acid in the holy seplechur of Earth dirt
I am therefore, I’ve been and will be more or less than a 1 celled amoeba, a paramecium spurt
Shocked by lightening & thunder, electric kook-ade drunks full belly of pure grain C2H5OH
Analyzed microeconomics and the philosophical clowns, come on man! It is what it is, eh?

r j j stephan, i
c. Wednesday, September xxx, MMXX @ 5:55 PMPST
{ Drafted before I began a rerun frenzy of #AfghanistanSheet bit @CheechAndChong on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Hm9kkmq6A1c }