Talkin' that talk and walkin' that walk above the slow & old cats who are to used to living easy
When nothing is easy in this world, walkin' on the ground or flyin' in the air, all life will expire
Skin tight or loose as a goose on a fruit loop scoot from the hills to the sea, it all waited for me
To get there was a chore but workin' is what it's all about, if it don't work, don't fix it, you see?
Inside of the dreams scenes of being alive and crying about the haves havin' what have nots don't
Who is left in the end my friends? Not you or nobody else's mama or daddy, oooooh, you said It
There's not another explanation for this living and puttin' it all away in a box of bone or ash urn
You come up with one in the time allotted, share it and write a poem or a book of Truth to burn.
Monkeys came and the apes filled in the blanks and left without another word up, it's way gone
Memorial to the forgotten who fought & died to stay alive forever, they expired like a cellphone
I got the cache and you got the power to get it too, you really need it to be happy, gotta be bad
Not 'evil' which is the opposite of 'live', it's the dollar bills and the silver bells, golden whistle fad.
Tests given to cheat you out of your memory, remember getting perfect grades A+, give us a hand
Or a dime to be dropped if you don't sell your soul & lay down your life for the love of supraman
Family of the Dredge & the Sledge of the sisters and brothers who run the hollywood harbor hose
Shined down on the stage, spotlight bright as a supernova blast of extinct, abolished rubber souls.
A day in the future without music to be played, to keep you in the groove of the stars above love
Nothing is up or down from here, above or below the rap goes on until the last blinkin' third eye
Screamin' for me won't help, I ain't here and I ain't there, I am singin' everywhere on every corner
Made it to the Ends, I made amends, my thing was always what it was & would always be, . . . . .
r j j stephan, i * Header is @CarlosSantanaTequilaCasaNoble! #SHOTS
{ ...WTF would Ayn Rand have done? Intruded on my consciousness this AM while listenin' to 20 minutes of @CurtisMayfield #DoYourThing (extended version) youTube link @ }