Only an infinite chain of fools can keep the movement going, the struggle exists on Earth
In the red or black dirt or yellow gold, interest for the existence of freedom is forlorn, Darth
All of the stars further than our own agree, Earth living the life of civilization back of the bus
Shocking to the empty Void is everything other than nothing, the things themselves rob Us.
The gods ruined Mars, check the Wikileaks on that, you will know sooner or later, IQ distress
Moron and the idiot have merged to become one and the same, a man, a woman, a goddess
Useless and petrified thought in the middle of the junction where petticoats comin' on down
From where they should have stayed, what is wrong with people? LOLs @Anonymous frown.
This your room in your home away from home, politico-economic pressure, polls of #Wokism
To live without working for the status quo, you had motherless children & fatherless inmates
In charge of running the radio & television shows, to control the masses of migration invasion
This is all you're going to get, the end of the story you know as, your life, your livelihood of Sin.
Not mortal or venial but the original one, the popes and cardinals, bishoprics and high priests
Wanting to be like the evil angel created by the same creator who punished innocent babes
Ignorant of the power of the almighty, the challenger is not equipped to win the game of One
Everything is everything and what it is is what it is or what will we do if it's not? Nothing, son.
r j j stephan, i
c. Jeudi, April 29th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 7:11 AMPST
{ Drafted while jammin' to @Armstrong_GettyRadio @KSTE650AM link @ }