Picking axe for your team was a big mistake but I'll play the sax once again
Moving about on the chess board to the checkers that never get the kings
Losers can win sometimes when winners die, eaten in a lion's den of zen
Treating the tricks like they run the dozens on the corner of 3rd & Vine.
What does Ricky & Lucy do for a living, nothing special goin' on, God's silk
Men and women bottom out in a New York minute's momentus occasion
It's the day that the Earth stood still and the mamas & papas sang or sung
Like the other six days, it's just another spin in a circle jerk, mother's milk.
For the first and second time of the orgasmic charge of ecstatic creation
There was the Awe awaiting the punch in the face, to repeat ad infinitum
Not just because of the feel good feeling but because of the thrust to Be
Me & you have no idea why but there's a reason if there ain't any but one.
True love of the universal Oneness that's broken in a million pieces just in
To the freedom of the blowin' sax and plucked out of the freedom cesspool
Where our fathers, brothers, mothers & sisters died for the rhythm of blues
Long lost and frequently underappreciated for the Truth's consequences.
Muck and mire here and there, common decency ruled out by black & blue
It may be a inspiration but I doubt it, copycats pick up the beat & roll a mile
From the treble and the bass we get the melody and words up a cool wazoo
A ping on the screen indicates that place in space to fire the guided missile.
Fear to loathe you but it comes around goes around in a wet-dry CoVid19 bat
Hard to find in the darkness since it's the way to the light of a nite-light mouse
For the nature of the wild beast is to kill & eat to live & die, a gasp of bull scat
Sting you and you'll hurt forever, you know the Truth now & it's a full house.
r j j stephan, i
c. Dimanche, ROCKTOBER 24th, 2021 Anno Domini @ 11:11 PMPST
{ Drafted with #TrueLove in a loop by @GlennFrey on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/mUM4x4Bl_Ic }