Destiny's revelation of who you think you are there, champ or little queen, it's 'bout a full moon
Which means the mystery of life is a deduced accident of Matter's cosmic collision, all too soon
Other than that a blame game goes on until the final ending of the breathing flesh & bone Man
Woman made us what we've become, mothers' guardian angels of what's clearly all too human.
Full disclosure in front of both Hell and the High Water, when I'm dead & gone, it won't end days
Of the leftovers in your refrigeration container, it's a smell of things that are no longer alive, lies
Of the Truth that never can be known for certain, it's a principle and not my opine, I'm the judge
On the nature of becoming a wise man or a wise guy, lucky to be both, thanks to my dad's nudge.
Kickin' the can when the game is on, frees the boys in the barless prison, the Roche's front porch
Or runnin' the dozens on the four corners at the dead end of Superior & LeClaire, home's torch
From Chicago, Superior, Huron, Erie, Ohio & Michigan, the deep artic water hides monkey shines
On the bottom of the sandy dirt, it's become the nature of being all too human, crooked bylines.
Acid tripped & absorbed Mathmatics gods' Algebraic Geometry, Logic & Calculus of Trigonometry
Nobody goes too far but just far enough is fine & dandy the way it is, #Wokism causes extinction
You won't need your desire and your need won't make any difference the second after you die
Nothing to think about then, remain there for eternity, don't shoot the messenger of cherry pie.
Dessert is better than the meal, therefore just skip the munch and swallow the loom of tuttifruit
You and I walk or roll, as the case may be and it all comes screachin' to a halt, STFU in One spirit
Invisible & deep inside of the thing itself along with an evil genius who's alive, a last gasp choke
You ain't wakin' up now, your dream is eternal whether or not you become shame, #TheWoke!
Deep inside of your center of being, there's a notion that the potion you crave is already gone
Drunk by the minions before you were born & there is no recipe to replace the lost gemstone
Diamond, ruby, sapphire, emerald or just basalt crumbling in your fingers' & thumbs' collusion
Of heaven & this rock hard earth, scenes of a Way you're on, flashin' & fadin', God's All in Sin!
r j j stephan, i
c. BLOVEMBER XVIIIth, MMXXI Anno Domini Jeudi @ 8:08 AMPST
{ #AcidMathmatics ... wearing an @ArmstrongAndGettyRadio tattoo in my imagination, drafted this masterpiece of cake whilst listenin' to the #TooLiveCrew @kste650am #GitGitSome #LifeWithOutParole }