Most probable outcome of a whole year of non-pandemic NFL to & fro, it'll be cool bro
Possibility of the WORD of the players to fashion the world around them evil angels
They do whatever they like, anything that can be imagined to experience sensational
It is the nature of this beast, the One that I am, you decide your own ilk, I know, I fall.
From below & above this rock and deep within it, my hooved metatarsals cover miles
Kilometers & actually parsecs of the matrix inside God's invisible mind, come on man
It's not easy to go from an innocent, crying infantile baby into a role of all too human
I will, I decide, I want your Kissin' today & every day, dawn to dusk, a werewolf cries!
Culture enculturation and a publication of an anthropological ethnography, free pass
Tyranny is ready & willing to go deeper than the blue sea of the Earth's orbiting mass
It ain't my fault and it's for you to find out what the nature of this Substance is, Man!
If there is an origin to this systemic universe, it appears to be hidden in occult cosign.
Alright three times, I ain't repeating the WORD, it's been said and all that's left is fun
Mover of infinity, finite immobility call the Void, the Yin & the Yang, target of the gun
Laser or lead both enter the wound until stopped by an equal, opposite cosmic force
Drums beat, strings strum, horns blow, we're rockin' it, all too human, phuqin' Horse!
There can be no rational conclusion to arguments with false premises, it's impossible
I did not invent the art of deduction, maybe Sherlock Holmes or Plato but not my hell
It's below the crust in the middle core, hot rock magma that pumps your grave above
Below the black or red dust left above, Rams of Angels' gold water, #hiphop HO Love!
r j j stephan, i
c. Mardi, February XVth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 611 AMPST
{ Captured these words out of the #Ether, you could have but you didn't, I was listenin' to a 'long version' of @RareEarth #GetReady on youTube link @ & THE @SuperbowlLVI @EMINEM blast link #NOMASK #NOMAS #HowBoutDaRiotsInLAEh @ }