Red pencil in a note below the text type, crypto log @Anonymous' Code right now, swung
Cryptographic lines and dots of indian ink or pencil lead & tip of a holy etch-a-sketch pen
Who comes and goes in and out of the body of work, the set of 208 bones of Zsa Zsa zen
As above it all as I always am since the day I almost lost my breath forever, a song sung.
You knew everything about the whole shebang a long time ago but you made no peep
The Truth about your own personal place in the machinery we call Reality is transparent
Translucent too and maybe even transphobic due to species extinction self guilt, I sent
All Time in this Space, inside of me & outside of me, tender rhapsody's lull me to sleep.
Pray silently or out loud in every case there's Nothing to receive the transmission to wit
Meaning of the things themselves, in a myriad of forms and families of likes & the unliked
Back to Miami or up to Seattle but first Los Angeles to Chicago & Bangor, way up country
Great lakes made when all of the H2O dried up, left the super deep holes, bad smell city.
Hurting in the world on this Earth's surface or in the air and what's left of the sea, my pain
I own it and it impacts my senses through my nerves that stay on edge awaiting the Ends
Understanding the alerts that give the sirens a magic trick to mend the mind of the brain
It ain't as easy as it looks, to cast the spell and cause the effect and be able to be all mens'.
Every slum human is a distant lovers' precocious zygote to psi corpse, a surreal purple haze
In and out of the squeeze of the changes from the infancy to the geriatric adulthood psi phase
Compared to afterlife when an antibody, beautiful or decrepit, was better than a dillecti one
I don't want to be a Debbie Downer, yet somebody's gotta be, the End is One and It's Done.
Style recognized as a copy of an original, never been in the world before and won't be again
Mere words were all there were to explain, a same old story, nouveau words of foggy fates
Amazing to be teaching the unknown to the ones who find incomprehensibility to be insane
For not being killed by the bad men and bad women on Earth, orphans & ignorant inmates.
r j j stephan, i
c. Samedhi, February XIXth, MMXXII Anno Domini @ 111 PMPST
{ #Downlinked the #Upload in duality with prejudice and a fixation on prevarication of W O R D & listenin' to @TheMarshallTuckerBand #HeardItInALoveSong & HITS on LINK @}