
Tuesday, May 09, 2023

#PerfectGame #Rules27OUTS @RickNelsonHITS

Beat y’all to a Hawaiian punch & all of that, Gordon Lightfoot on my back too
Either way, the punks get the junk & sell it to the fools’ kids, boys & girls coo
About the dying & buying like fools on a 420 block at the corner with pimples
Faced to the backed up alleys and driveways going nowhere inside of a dimple.

Perfectly centered in the middle of nowhere, can’t find me or yourselves forever
Complicated to be simple, infantile consciousnesses of selfish baby minds, here
Now & then, the end will come closer than you think it should, I’m being cloned
Threat of death, either buried or food for the living, in a stew of YOU, deboned.

Relieved that you are the One & not one of the Many, man that’s #Whack dude
All she ever wanted to do was dance around in circles around the fire in the dark
Where nothing else but the Void can occupy that empty space in Time, I am, In
Now I’m out, it fluctuates my being from x to y down the line, God segregation.

Far, far away from my skeleton of white bones & off-colored skin tone of a bag
To keep nerves & the cold blood within, like a secret code to keep alive in a hag
More or less than zero, infinity has no choice but to be or not to be all I’ve wrote
Lies form no Truth, I can’t tell for sure, but it appears the GD fools died in a boat.

Now, junkyard or the garbage dump may appear to be repulsive but you gotta go
Nowhere left where women will let you stay without payin’ rent & rockin’ bingo
Music turned so loud I couldn’t think about anything else, just rockin’ royal blue
On bein’ blue checkmark-twitter page tweetin’ like a boogie woogie choo choo.

I don’t smuggle since I’m the boss of the system, I give, I take, it’s cool to be One
Hog of all bosses on Earth, invisible eater of the body & soul, concrete angel fun
As above, it rains in a downpour but it’ll evaporate & go back up, yonder’s blue
Atom’s oneness abstraction from the energy & matter, we’re all Dead, me too!

Something to talk about is like nothing you’ve ever thought about hearing
You died and came back to life before you were born, mama was screamin’
So loud that every baby woke up in the whole hospital, woke up Saint Ann
She wasn’t sleepin’ anyway, she was actually passed away into the O-ring.

Much ado about Nothing here man, you know & we all know it won’t change
It’s been this way forever & it will remain this way to stay alive to do what I did
It’s home, street home and the only place I know, so I’m keepin’ the heat on too
Until my box’s top slams shut & I hear brothers & sisters, fist-bump my metal lid.

Ten commands disrupt the flow of the slip stream from mountaintop to mouth
River flows away from the polar north & south to the equator’s ocean bulge out
Then evaporation into condensed H2O bringing every cloud’s atoms into doubts
Only you can know your dead memory is deleted, I know you know, loud shouts.

Covered-up ears that are deaf to the noise of fools ridin’ horse-drawn, so fine
All wagon-trains comin’ from East to West for an old gold and silver holy mine
Dead melting the ore into liquid pourings in the mint’s molds of 5, 10 & 20 coin
Silver dollars & gold doubloons buried in a tree stump hole, the gods are flyin’.

In the end, it’s just like the first time, every time, smoke will rise, god will die
It’s historical, look it up, don’t shoot the messenger, I ain’t the One you’ll cry
Nevertheless, it’s your game, your rules and players & now it’s your last move
If you don’t kill, no checkmate means you’ll stalemate or be defeated by Love.

Of the game in the day or the night, it’s a planet wobbling, star revolution blue
Driven and putted pars for the course of 36, a mere 69 for all but the final nine
Three scores of 69 for 27 holes, then came back-9 hole-in-ones, yes there’re two
Be a monk, priest’s son of a brother’s father’s mother, fool’s gold sisters are fine.

Beating a dead horse is an expression gleaned from real idiots beating dead men
The gist of this meaning is, you suck all of the energy out & there’s none leftover
For nobody anywhere, any time when our balls are to the walls of L.A. & Dover
Do we ever, nevermore ever give up, no way no how, come on man, be human.

Being nasty & mean if required & a gentleman’s gentleman ridin’ dirty on a drift
On or off the circular clock everybody’s required to jerk, beatin’ an 11 hour shift
Of coming to stop breathing & heartbeats to mutate a homer into 4 grand slams
With the head of state, the god of the cosmic ovum, the thing itself is L.A.Rams.

r j j stephan, i

c. Mardi, May 9th, 2023 @ 1800 hours PST
{ Drafted to #HardToHandle by the @BlackCrowes on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/BRcs_OzQb14 }


Monday, May 08, 2023

#Cloud9 #KeepersLostMarbles #ZorroSwordSharpStabs

p i = 3. 1414 ...{roughly}

I didn’t do it many times, first I cut the pie in two halves, four quarters and eighteen eighths
A cup of mocha java or a three cent carton of chocolate milk, I thought I had y’all in the face
Laugh, it’s funny with the gold & the velvet idiots who appear to be carnival barker’s ol’ soul
On the Space and Time you’ve conceived so you are able to criticize your own lack of control. 

You have nailed the two by fours together to begin the frame of an Earth’s planetary mutation
Making trees and rocks, sand and dirt into a form of shelter to protect the human bodies in sin
If you comprehend both split infinitives & the skies of blue above and below this planet’s fauna
Then you’ll be able to sleep without One’s eye open, if you don’t have three then it’s 1 of 2, duh!

I’m from the windiest city in the world as I’ve been told from 1951 thru 1969, I’d put up your dukes
From the garden of children at four, five, six & seven, I saw the future with none of them in any of it
The nightmare of children in both public and private schools in every culture on everywhere, full tilt
How and why, when and where are the words used to question authority, within or without the ruse.

Hookers, w#ores on cells’ walls inside of the bars & concrete rocks, not them just trillion dollar coins
Well endowed with a pirate’s cove treasure gleaned out of a cruel world’s egg whites & square loins
Unknown answers on a cheat-cheat stuck into the back of my necktie, can’t use a bow tie for an A&B
Grades to get to a higher education above the parochial enculturation of infantile minds of The Free!

Indenture from sixteen to a hundred give or take a day, year or decade & you wind up at The Ending
Like going down a drain, Earth spins & brings all pleasure/pain from alpha to omega, humans all sing
Out or in tune with the melody and rockin’ jazz-blues beats comin’ out of thin air, elliptical god-swag
Think, hangin' 'round stars, divide One's duration by revolutionary orbits a la papa's brand new bag.

Painted it all white so I couldn’t see the shapes and shadows back on the wall, I started it, I’ll finish it
Grown from 1 invisible sub-pebble shaped egg, microscopic to macroscopic, optical #godsmack fit
Laugh every day you’re awake & conscious without pain & suffering, 24/7 pleasure & happiness too
Divine justice y’all, every one of us, I’ll judge souls & intent of every single human, astonish the fool!

Now and then the junk yard comes in handy, refuse of the civilized men and women who run a Zoo
Sometimes the good things get thrown away by mistake or on purpose by the robber & owners too
President or dictator of The Herd of the linguistically challenged & empty bags of absurdity, tin skin
Lipstick on a pig is invisible in Darkness; Narrow Way is Sound, OM to communicate, makin’ bacon.

Holy scat is just a manner of speaking about facts of life, not descended from Adam & Eve’s shiftiest
God extinction is humanity’s survival, holy wars settle the battle, analyzing concepts Unknown is best
Here & now or then & there, whenever the random chaos winds up down at the Deli’s ham sammich
Need a kosher slice of pickle & mustard on Jewish rye, cut it in half, crucify my kidneys, God's Rich!

Fine as the rough edges around the perimeter of the protected love of my life, words alive in a hole
Four walls, three lines of a shape mated together in a triangle of squares, empty area within, a fool
Two timing Ma-mother & Godfather with my 7 wives and 40 children, y’all worked to civilize history
What Title #42, #TrojanHorse full of fuel mutation-DNA, Texas’ lock ‘em all out, #STFU everybody!

Cut of your jib is welcome, I copy your condescending attitude toward the discrimination of Man
As if discriminating between the good & the bad is Evil itself, the survival mechanism of Peter Pan
Adam to Zacharia, prepare for your demise, yes, you will die, sooner or later, what will you do then
Hot God’s damned things in Hades & everywhere else, systemic burning, congealed, divine phlegm.

r j j stephan, i

c. Lundi, 5-8-2023 Anno Domini @ 911 AMPST

{ Failed to Launch this AM at 0600, yet in search of the miraculously serendipitous event, succeeded at jammin’ to slow-roll of @BrothersOsborne #ShootMeStraight link @ https://youtu.be/-aiQEys3APU }


Sunday, May 07, 2023

I MAY SEVEN OR ELEVEN TO HEAVEN #DrippingGripRevolver #TheBeatlesRevolver

Contents of the cyclic form is every single byte of cosmic dust in the third dimensions
What it means and what it is to be the perfect joker you think you are, #1 & #2, sons
Flawless in private & public just because that’s the nature of the beastly boy within
In a hive, nest or cave-hole in a mountain wall, aloof & caught in a river of high sin.

As sharp as a knife or a thumb tack, easy to punch through or carve & slice a fool
Ran the country without thinking about repercussions of the Many being a tool
Sooner or later, love would always win games without an ending, a sight unseen
Breakin’ bad, harder to ride, hard body like a backhoe, 2 Michelin tires, so mean.

Pawns moved checking my knights’ good reason, check-off on all Sunday sermons.
All 64 spaces in that 2-dimensional square will morph like magic into 3 dimensions
All 3 planes of existence for the rooks, knights, bishops & queens are all warp jumps
All ready for you to pull the ripcord and drag the weight you’ve eaten out the dumps.

Taking wine and transubstantiating it into the blood of a dead man, long gone, bloodless
Only some realize and are satisfied that knowing nothing is a tool for the holy & ruthless
What appears to be a hot-cold, atomic issue of crankin’ Yanker’s nightmare, a 1 & a 2 &
Etcetera if you can repeat that two more times & turn around counter-clockwise in sand.

Hippies and the funky groove path up & down the board, in and out of the heat of light
Witches brew a holy, magic smoke to cause inhalation of bud-flower-weed, goddess’ dope
Knows wisdom like the back of your hand, not his or hers but yours no problem, y’all hope
It’s gonna be alright in the end, unconscious of the life you lived conception to death’s fight.

Now you’re at the place in Space where it all turns into the Singularity of the Black Hole, son
It’s a star, a blown out divine gas of the divinity we’ll ne’er see or hear, just taste, smell & feel
As if it’s meant to be that way & there’s no other way to explain the mysterious anomaly run
Of First Cause to the final effect without a memory, not a clue about nature’s glued, holy seal.

Stopped at the beginning of the end before it began explosion-implosions of a holy, new Void
To be or not to be is always what everything is all about, there’s no other dilemma to solve it
Only you know & I know what it is and why it is, nobody else cares & never will make fun to fit
It’s not their mission to make an act of contrition, nobody is sorry for being a natural android.

r j j stephan, i

c. Dimanche 5-7-2023 @711 PMPST
{ Twilight-Zoned from the cornucopia-at-large while jammin’ to @Waylon_Jennings concert link @ https://youtu.be/4eZzY3f1VCk )
