
Friday, July 05, 2024

#RareEarth #DontYouLoverHerMadly? #SevenHorses #TheDoors #ACDC #MarvinGaye #MA #MaMa #MOM #SurvivalOfTheFittest #PopulationControlBirthControlSexControl #GasLightYoMama

If & only if you move from the front of the classroom to the rear end of the last row of desks
Then you’ll have firsthand knowledge of the thing itself, ABC’s & 1,2,3’s in fortunate son risks
Whether you’re the son or daughter of one of those Ones, it only matters that you’re a copy
Knowing that or being ignorant of that fact of life is paramount to existential success entropy.

I jest for fun, my love for my own physical skull and bones is unrequited, the joke’s on y’all
As above, so it is below it all, talking about the sky up to space & down to a call center fate
One planet in the middle of nowhere, ancestors’ speculation holding presence, lost the ball
Eternal recollection amnesia, forgetting all survival skills other than terminate divine threat.

Talking incessantly about freedom & equality will bring out the cyborgs to keep the peace, so
If you think I’m not serious about that speculation, look out your window & listen to AM radio
Right & Left, philosophies of economic blunder studied in a post-secondary educational sieve
Women & men all learn behavior as Pavlov’s stray dogs did, you know nothing but do believe.

Time, future comes to present the moment which passes to the past in no time at all, yawn
In and out of the pie hole your life’s narration will go, testing a blind faith in sunset’s dawn
Woke up and staying awake during the lecture wasn’t important, just acing the final grade
In the end, it’s all about the Benjamins America, no accounting, yo! Bonnie & Clyde dust.

Hold up the banks & thrift stores with a plastic & rubber dagger, held to the throat of a dupe
The mask is on but it covers an alien head & face, if you want to see something really stupid
Then you’ll want to turn all of the lights off & close the blinds, you’re bein’ scared to death
Enjoy the gut feeling of fear going away from your solar plexi, all y’all hold your bad breath.

Teach the children who were innocent babies that they’ve inherited guilt for another’s sin
Talking whichever creation story you choose, somehow, this began & appears will be bitter
Nobody can work out a deal, the formula is this atomic energy is merely accelerated matter
Know this is to know it all, it is power to know this when nobody else does, soul searchin’.

It’s a vision of maggots infiltrating your cool brain where your mind was housed in focus
From the birth of a cool soul to the demise of holy hot body and mind, all there is to it, us
Without us, there’s no purpose other than spin, wobble, rotate & revolve about a demigod
Fire burning to bring the heat on the naked ape skin, it’s the star we call The Sun of God.

On the wave of my lifetime, just allowed Big Sur surf to give me a boogie man booster shot
I hit the bottom of the sand head first, then consciousness disappeared in an instant spot
It looked like it was weak and whacked but it was mighty and imaginary time’s river flow
Conclusion, act like life’s a dream even if it ain’t a dream, live it anyway like no tomorrow.

Disoriented after a deep sleep in a soft bed of cushions, silk sheets & hot white blankets
Arise from the dream state remembering what never happened IRL, then it happened too
Within the unknown, a will to power gets circumcised with the foreskin of the RNA injector
Avoiding disease of that one thing keeps the species evolution intact, still guys’ dirty sexy.

Fish in the pond, you know the routine, you see them, you leave them alone, they swim
Until the water fails to nurture nature and bogs down into a swamp for gators’ whims
That’s anything alive gets swallowed whole, trapped by the jaws of life & can’t get away
Nobody gets out alive, yet I digress, be honest, teach babies young, hey, what did I say?

Known old wise men who died just like the mass killers, bombers of the Wars I, II & III
Barking up the wrong tree will get you right where you want to be, no Depends on & off
Up and down, strong legs & arms or none at all, bad teeth replaced by dentures of gods
A Homer forever ‘til we’re a hundred more or less, infinite cash in the stache & hotrods.

Po’ and rich have nothing to do with paradise afterlife, Ghetto secrets in codex words-up
They lead our feet to push on until they can’t move any more, it’s six feet down for my kin
Betting on a sure thing is difficult but since I’m in charge of the whole shebang, I’m all in
Details in the conclusion, assumptions just pretensions of the good & bad in my tea cup.

If you can never lose, might as well keep playin’ until entry is denied, just keep rockin’
You got enough to buy food & a place to sleep, you have no ticket to afterlife paradise
Knowing the Truth & leaving Nothing out of the picture, it’ll help when depression sets
No filter for the raw data and sewage which will mix at a finale, the fixed rate sure bets.

You said you knew you existed because you convinced yourself that thinking was proof
But the moment your chromosomes came to be, it was random revolution of this spoof
Happy to be absurd & peculiar, hilarious to one, funny to none, it’s my forte, livin’ right
Pink Cadillac, pedal dropped, ridin’ on the freeway, I-5 Mexicali-Mendocino, good fight.

I’d expect nothing more nor less than droppin’ tops when in my Cadillac, flip tops down
Truckers appreciate it, drop the pedal & GO, you know how it’s done, OMG don’t frown
Livin’ in the right the second I took the wrong left, got the social pit of sharing my blue
With the lunatics and coyotes who expect to share the fortune & shame you for it too.

For the service of mankind that ain’t here yet, I’ll be gone once they come, now hear this
Day'll come & you’ll wonder no more, lookin’ at love dying and the dead body of pizzazz
Chances are most of us won’t die today but some will, let me bid y’all adieu, it’s the sign
On I -5 freeway doin’ 75, cherry tops chasin’ my Pink Caddy & tankers up the grapevine.

r j j stephan, i
c.  Vendredi, July Vth MMXXIV Anno Domini @ 1010 AMPST
{ Severed out of the Matrix with a church key & never you mind about the exercise, fill out the forms & sign ‘em by the deadline, I was also JAMMIN’ to #RidinOnTheFreeway in a loop @ArethaFranklin link @ https://youtu.be/Ip_pjb5_fgA }


Wednesday, July 03, 2024

#SkimCream #GoldenMeow #Beyonce #Taylor #BlackSpace @CarlosSantana @TheOJays #SexualHealing @Marvin_Gaye @Sublime #DateRAPE

Sycophant admiral, General private
X X X the 3rd Marines

This is it, how it’s going to be from now on out to the ending, the finale’s last curtain call
Abrupt or long time coming wait for infinity to arrive at the unknown Singularity to fall
Down deep to the bottom of the pit that you never know hit you between the eyes’ high
As if you’ve drunk or ingested something that nobody can inject as venom or smack dope.

Begin at the finish line, it’s the same as the start in retrograde backward, for the life of me
Nowhere else the game can be is here, now, this here & that there pieces of the holy & free
Worth fighting and dying for, liberty to roam Earth unfettered by regulatory hierarchy codes
Required, desired & needed for the survival of the species genome in sexual healing modes.

Frozen stiff and locked into an unconscious place in Space where nobody goes but me, sacred
My bare feet step in & out of the same place twice, yet the fact is, same river ain’t the same
Same in name only, for goodness’ sake and not for the sake of clarity or divine indoctrination
Goodness’ place before the place we’ve come to stay & pray, down deep quickening chagrin.

Your letters & numbers were all memorized from 6 to 76 then I got 86’d from my own bar
Real things don’t come along very often so it’s a novelty to be given full attention, arrest it
Focus upon the marked spot, in the solar plexus where you can knock a cold wind out easy
Make a grown man get on his bare knees and pray to God or the powers that be, I’m xyzzy.

Fairway I navigate my own way, driving into the dogleg for a chip over the bunker’s green
I don’t golf but I did read about a golfer y’all ought to make acquaintance, king or queen
His name is Albert, my father who created me, why did I look past him, above or below it
The Man showed me the narrow way, reality of musician & philosopher of the bull’s scat.

Holy or just a bit less than sacred into the profane oneness of burning into ash in a hot fire
No free choice about that, nobody gets out alive in a fire or out of it into an ocean of H2O
Jump to a conclusion, believe blind assumptions are immutable, induce & deduce the blow
Everything’s synchronized timing, invisible thing itself, @Ai cyborg, forgot about it, I’m a liar.

Love means doing unto every other person as you would want them to do to you, It’s OK
Gods don’t come down or go up, from heaven or hell, mythological blind faith for giggles
Old men and women wanted to shield the innocent among us, fictionalized a human play
As you get closer to the final resting spot of your memories and karma, that day is today.

Comfortable when you breathe in and out before anyone can hear your output, psycho
Neurosis of the personality inherited from the complex of your parental guidance mumbo
Jumbo as it was before you were conceived & as it will be once you’re just dust in the wind
Nothing and nobody was here before the Big Bang, Silent Whimper will be a solo, I’ll find.

r j j stephan, i
c. Mercredi, July 3rd 2024 Anno Domini @ 411 PMPST

{ Compiled while reality impinged it’s claws upon my virgin crawl-space & jammin’ to the mighty #WhiteBoyDoesTheApollo link @ https://youtu.be/nNIi_sEsjgY?si=Eem8Swy61k3to6SJ & #TheRichGetRicher #TheOjays link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGTwr8ba2ZM&list=PLreahN7ishnlibbshPLQIYFxYWjmVEPSC&index=6 }


Monday, July 01, 2024

#BitterEnding #OriginalSigns #GoAheadMeetABearInTheWoods #HikeBearHike @Chicago86Bears #PinkCadillacBoss' #Lido @BozSkaggs


Here to teach the flocks of naïve & innocent souls through no fault of their own, lost in Space
It’s all about the love in the jungle where it’s kill or be killed for breakfast or lunch in the face
Of the descendants and their kin, the ancestors have left their marks, the writing on the walls
In concrete caves, on rock/dirt walls are scratches of commands to empty Montezuma’s halls.

From Tripoli to Rockford, only the strong survive until the bitter end when we all gotta go to it
Ends of the most far-fetched tale ever told, saga of serial nightmares, broken wings truly do fit
Here, now forever man & woman making more of the same that used to be, Sun’s bye & bye
God before the planet’s awareness of itself, the sea of knowing Nothing but solid, liquid, fly.

Learned the way is narrow and not for anyone who loves the place in Space where they thrive
Remain aware that without your senses, sight & sound can’t allow the illusion to be a live hive
Gone before they knew it, the buried in boxes & repatriated ash in the wind & sea, saved soul
Flight neither up nor down, thoughts’ idea of a brain’s creation was Reality ala divinity’s hole.

Science & scientists who direct the causes & effects to help the broken halos’ grounded wings
Got the conclusion in an imaginary priest who came from & went back to the bye & bye, sings
Melody of the unforgotten with the pickin’ & grinnin’ it deserved, just for being the absolute
Relativity in the General & Specific category of the Substance & Form, a Word remains moot.

Stay in the groove, the long playing record may be more or less RPM’s than what’s normal 45
Deduced inductions required for a thing itself to originate the empty symbols of dead & alive
When you’re gone, its all over, no hell or heaven because of a free will of original signal signs
Monuments of high rocks eventually will atrophy above, as below into supernova gold mines.

Answers to rhetorical questions have flavor of their own, easy to be amused at the facts of life
Those immutable truths about broken halos that used to fly, neither here nor there, my wife
Out or in a busy drive-thru to get it, animal-style, double-double with crisp, French-fried spud
On the road in no time, sky’s the limit just because it’s all there is, war is over it, cryptic blood.

I’ve got a secret that I can’t remember, it’s under lock & key inside of a box’s total emptiness
Deep-fried chicken and innards of them, the chitlins, the guts full of bird scat, eat 12 eggs less
Bacon bit meat of pigs, jerky meat of the cows & bulls of four-legged species, hunted & fished
Burned atoms into wavelengths and frequencies too high or low to mix up dead in a bunkbed.

I entered the cockpit in front of the pilot who rolled me around in outer space, ready to rock
Once the aircraft left gravity & increased velocity toward heaven, it was a point of no return
Mouth shut except for response to command inquiries, “How you doin’? Everything solid?”
My response, “Fine, sir, yes, sir, solid! Copy that.” I feel as if my brain’s turned to Kool-Aid.

Liver allowing no poison to enter the pure system of immortal breathing Space in and out
The atmosphere to the lungs and back, the odor from the burnt Earth’s crude, Earth’s pout
Alone without another being, human or otherwise, even celluloid replicas better than Zip
Yet, nevertheless, white buffalo calf born to the black buffalo is the divinity’s record skip.

Superstitious life to believe you’re gonna die & be alive in a non-corporal way, I mock y’all
You’re all a mockery, priestly preachers’ cleric staffs of the saving Corp’s guilty pleasure ball
Earth, a planet, a burnt asteroid-like nature, ejected from Big Bang triggers knockin’ knees
Bones exposed to children, now they’ve gone psychotic & neurotic until graduation’s keys.

Up unto the hilt, squeeze your bagpipes and twang your juice harps to trigger the warnings
Beware of the immortal black dogs, you’re the food for thought, as an unholy canary sings
About Shakespeare, about Socrates & the progeny of the idiots swingin’ extinction, all dead
Here’s your bonus, here’s your penalty, break even, prefabricate the lead, it’s Gold, Ahmed!

Nobody gets too far on their own, need your mama’s milk or a substitute nurture, maybe us
All of us are the required essence, nobody gets out alive, we’re all in it together, git on the bus
Cookies and pickles, eggrolls and sausage tortillas persuade the starving & it’s just bull’s chit
Picking you or me before the game begins is cool, the end game is always, I win, you lose it!

I rolled with it baby, I didn’t lose my soft/hard touch, it’s locked into the program’s desires
Higher or lower than the bottom-up line, I’m where it’s at, where it has to be, straits are dire
Sweet as honey and as bitter as the ends, here’s a Big Butt for your gigabytes, one supreme 9
They know nothing about assumptions, probability knowledge is possible is Nil, that’s Nein!

r j j stephan, i
c. July 1st MMXXIV Anno Domini 711 AMPST

{ Boys to Men, Crush The Boys, Man Be Unkind, DIK, blasted this chit while listening to
#MyMix #ArethaAndMyPix on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/Dtd3Wzn_YK8?si=Gq-SC-9jgWIeR6bJ }