Named Jack or Jim makes no difference to me after the 6th shot & Cervesa, Corona paid C’s
I blazed a trail from the back door of the bar, walked down an alley, slid in the tricky blow
Fell down, blacked out before my graduation from grad school at MIT, kiddin’ it was Hades
Worked for the Federal government of a “manned” country for 25 years, escapee in the flow.
A curmudgeon for good times but an ignorant pessimist, who has no need for hope or faith
All he needed in his life was love but he couldn’t find anyone that loved him more than he
So he left the planet without the touch of another who bleeds love in their veins, he’s wraith
A symbol of all that’s impossible and improbable yet true enough for a bizarre word of glee.
Compound the simple minded with the inhumane and you have the world as we know it now
It may or may not change with the whiff of time, velocity ‘bout 67,000 MPH, retrograde too
Bottom line is, it’s a miracle that we’re here at all much less for years of happiness and pain
Happy people due to love and sad, unhappy folks here, there and everywhere, hating disdain.
A train went by my bedroom window, by my workplace work station and now it’s in my alley
Runs along the coast, under n’ through woods n’ mountains from Sierras to New York n’ back
Dug deep holes for the gold and I found nothing but the dirt under my boots, eatin’ the taffy
Between my shots and beers and smokes of the leaves of tobacco and grass, it’s my life, Jack!
When the shakes start makin’ me cramp up into a ball and my feet feel like they need homes
Not under my legs but in a six foot deep end hole, more or less, someplace to lay down bones
All of these little brothers n’ sisters wanting the dream to come true, they won’t get hurt at all
When you die dreamy hope dies with you, it never hurts the dead, just a free-will in free-fall.
r j j stephan, i {
is more precious than #Gold }

c. ROCKTOBER 8, 2018 @ 11:30 AM PST
{ drafted listenin’ to Darius Rucker & other rockin’ hits on youTube link like #RockMeMama @ https://youtu.be/hvKyBcCDOB4 }
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