
Monday, October 08, 2018

#CloseYourMinds #BeAware #ricoSacto @ricoSacto


I know you know what you think you know, now where’s my #JDBlack , now then, what?
Study philosophy and religion of the ancient to the modern era and you become an i-robot
Repeating the same old rock and roll stanzas heard for thousands of years, monotony of Id
Expression of #Kryptonite itself in the form of a Superman Ego of a meek, shrimp or squid.

In your truck, your boat, your jet plane or spaceship, life appears as animation of a DNA flaw
Mistaken natural selection from mountains to sea, an incendiary wobble about a solar straw
Gettin’ sucked in, we know for certain yet it is highly probably the case that it’s true in a NYM
You and I are accidental conception, a result of the ignorance of real legends of HM Eminem.

Perfection in your eyes and ears. a distortion of the actual truth that none can ever see within
It’s all in your head, in your soul, in you mind and you won’t see the Truth outside of Berlin
Computers running your show and mine just to get a distorted buck of tweets and posts, duh
Argue for or against the nature of the beast and you wind up like me, being a beast alone bro.

Maybe it wasn’t anything I ever said, it was nothing at all except a figment of my imagination
The eyes have it all whether blind or 20/20 vision, it’s the insight in the outside, faded news
Your walls of your homes in the gardens of Eden and your fathers’ mothers who died in pain
Cream may rise to the top, but without a cork once the bottle’s full, it will spill and disappear.

Simple men mating with complex women of the 21st century, all injustice’s flame redressed
#NotYouToo is a growing number of men and woman, #Selfish #Egotistical fledglings of bed
Where their mothers and fathers conceived the #WrongDNA, no fault of their own, God Dam
A waterway that spills into the lakes and oceans moves the Hydrogen and Oxygen for s Adam.

Nowhere else to go and nothing to do in any case, in the void of the pyramid, 4th dimensional
Time’s Space is Sonny, my dad mix to yield the compound we all know as this “form of life”
In an urn right now until I bring it to the top of Mount Rainer and disburse his dust n’ bones
I blinked, the dream ends here in a species’ space, it’s said, it’s done, feel the blade, my knife.

r j j stephan, i
c. October 8, 2018 Monday @
{ written in a somnambulistic coma from the drive down from Reno, Nevada Great Italian Festival, Eldorado Hotel Casino & while listenin’ now to Eric Church on youTube Jack Daniel's on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/rq4DV7BID5U }

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