First and foremost, just relax while you learn the truth, fathers, sisters and your mama ilk
Sun went down a long time ago, it sunk like it went under the ocean, the world just turned
How was I to know we were spinnin’ around on an invisible core’s axis, I’m not a psychic
Pain, pleasure, suffering and terminal doom are steps we take slippin’ down a bowling alley.
Inappropriate enculturation of naked apes by the aliens in UFO’s that show up and disappear
All we get is the music of the strings and brass, music of angels and demons, Nothing’s to fear
Whether you are privy to the secrets of the old priests and elder chiefs of your mass religions
Depends on your luck in the prenatal draw for talent to be loaned from Powers-that-Be sins.
Creative creation we are taking responsibility for the faux pas of the man upstairs or UFO dad
Aliens will make human pancakes out of the wild eyed dreams of the minions of human herds
Historical facts be danged, we’re just the star’s bones and meat, to worship immortality faked
Mean old men playing the lemming herd, God of Jesus, Krishna and Buddha mighty T-birds.
Perfection from head to toe of two hundred and eight bones that sleep next to my iced soul
Asleep from the first day on Earth until the last wink before the trip into the Cosmos’ foal
Drinkin’ until I’m drunk, smokin’ until I can’t puff another toke, fall into my hammock bunk
I know, goal’s goin’ to #Hehl in a breadbasket, smooth, ultimate fate, holy pop of my funk!
Circular groove on a round CD, laser beam from outer-space’s intercourse with malfunction
An empty hole in the core, no soul or mind within to drive the force out of this world, suck sin
If it wasn’t for the water and sand, we’d be the bones under pressure, in the groove of the sun
Imagine the termination of the Bang, here one moment, gone the next, fell asleep to be a jinn.
Big moon rose in the sky tonight, got really high and then declined in darkness’ western scree
Violent revolution evolution, a brief glimpse at Time’s Space to be Here, Now or Never to be
Exist, live, be a human concoction of zygote mating, two become one for nothing, just ‘cause
Seeds groove, “Oh, say can you see,” laid, I’m asleep, surfin’, groovin’ I’m old Scratch’s #Boss.
r j j stephan, i
c. ROCKTOBER 25, 2018 AnnoDomini @ 5:55 Ante Meridiem {PST}
{ DRAFTED while listenin’ to WTF ever came on my browser Uncle Kracker & Kenny Chesney doin’ duet #WhenTheSunGoesDown @ 3:33 AM link @}
nb. & now settled with a mug of Major Dickason’s blend & my Uncle Grandpa cigars!
<3 span="">3> FauxNews & Philadelphia Classical School where Liberty Bells ring loudly & crack! }

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