
Saturday, February 23, 2019

#CrackGraves #SpaceTimeDust @ricoSacto #ricoSacto

Being and Nothingness are the subjects of the predicates and objects of the logical realm
Where the Truth is known and either told or held up by the liars and thieves at the helm
You and I are related to the ones who put the matter at hand to rest, live to hate, mask it
It is what energy comes from, the burning of the things composed of atoms’ sulfur acid.

In the end as in the original start of the journey from the exploding ball of Hydrogen sun
Plutonium will rule the Uranium, paramecia and euglena to the ape men of your family fun
All beans to everyone, grown from the seeds out of nowhere, dirty or clean, paradise fare
Mask off, be in the mood at all times, pretending that the end is just a final breath of Air.

Com ci, com ca, my gramma used to say like when it was a no brainer, you have no choice
It is a criminal enterprise of the ones who have the power over the length of life, not death
Not even God gets out of here alive my friends, you cannot refute the judge’s jury, you & me
Amazing to be privy to the wisdom of believing in something, anything but Nothing, #Boys!

Come into the parlor through the front door, go down the hallway to the living and bedrooms
There is a disease in the crack of evolutionary Earth’s sand and soil crumble, rock of #Doom
Faith in leaders and invisible concepts of what used to be will get you killed, believe Unseen
Hook, line and sinker, the fish and you will be caught and consumed by the Void’s spleen.

Hook up the loose ends with the split ends and tight ends for a maximum bang for a #Fitbit
All alone or in the company of many at a party of dozens, thousands or millions, begin an F
Not that you want to say it out loud, whether you’re black, white, red, yellow and proud of it
Billy Jean or Booby Sue will testify, swear on a stack of bibles, that the sea is this life’s chef.

Mix in cosmic soup, just a pinch of a big bang, gunpowder, gun power, exploding TNT , OMG
Bring the Earth back into a tornado spin, unconsciously igniting dirt, burning balls’ gas hog
No efficiency God-solar power, you cannot harness the infinite, or a finite cataclysm’s hot bog
Inward squeeze into a microscopic point of nowhere, immortally underground, holy star God.

r j j stephan, i
c. #Samedi February 23, 2019 A.D. @ 7:40 AM PST
{ belched some gas & drafted while watchin’ the spectacular video about S&T you take for granted, youTube link @ https://youtu.be/6wUbo4VewQU }

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