

Sunday, July 07, 2019

#PostThisScat #DoNotEverCry #BeABigBoyMan #OneToeOverTheByline #ToeTagIntoTheMystic #CASH #MONEY

-----------ONE TOE OVER THE LINE-----------
Everybody is home everywhere you go, carry your phone, stare at your cell, hook it up y’all
We used to speak to one another, now we just look down, way down, why can’t it be found?
Could have been worse if you were my species of hoe-woman, I would have thrown it down
Broken love songs in my cyberspace’s empty ether, a deep space void wrappin’ up my mind.

War is just what comes in between the Peace that is artificial lull in a windstorm of existence
Sneaking or come right out and say it, you’ve no phuqyn idea why you exist, why you’re alive
Nothing is greener on the other side of any hill on this planet, it’s always the same, cold is hot
But Hot is never Cold, that’s why they have different word sounds, COLD & HOT, solar robot.

Space and the time you produce for the consciousness to absorb is the matrix, venue of God
Small children cannot see what the world is so the ignoramous ogres instruct the innocents
To be or not to be, taught from Kindergarten to Senior High, some survive pokes of a hotrod
In eyeballs when you’re hungry and tired, recorded for memory retrieval of what heaven sent.

Mothers are gone and fathers cannot tell one way or the other, cool water on the borders gold
Where you cross a line without holding your mother or father by their hand, alone to get old
Nobody cares that you only want to run away to the cave in the hills, where backs feel secure
Somebody won’t show up behind your back, behind the wall you build to protect what’s pure.

Since I’ve been walkin’ alone, lookin’ for foot and finger prints to follow, to animate my head
Bones won’t move on to the end because the mind has a notion of system failure, driftin’ dead
No air, no water, no Life as anybody knows it, just the macrophages of the DNA, synchronitic
It’s all comin’ together, all of the jagged-edge pieces smoothed out the iconic vision on a stick.

Like Popsicle, fudgesicles or icechip cones, lickin’ the liquids, drunk on the chinawhite trash
Up and in every hole, all seven of them, needles punchin’ knew holes in a genome DNA bash
First Cause of the first move that matter ever had was the creator inside and outside a dome
Stop, look, listen to The Word, comprehend meaning, take a last breath, you just now got It!

r j j stephan, i #NowhereElseToGo
c. Seven, Seven, Twenty-Nineteen A.D. 7-7-19 A.D. 23:59
{ drafted while listenin’ to #JacksonBrowne #IAmAPatriot & HITS on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/saYvWAVmT_s?list=RDsaYvWAVmT_s }

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