
Thursday, September 05, 2019

#ManyHappyReturnsForTheOne @MickJagger #TheRollingStones-


I rolled the bones and I won the kitty, best pussy cat I’ve ever had, bless it’s little heart’s fray
Nothing in the afterlife for the universe’s animals other than the humans, mankind gold DNA
Expected to populate the psychic after breath where the air is not needed to live forever, see?
Pretend as if it’s true before you die and you’ll have hehl to pay, you’ll be in debt for eternity.

The beach property you won last night in a game of chance is yours with the tax burden cost
Insider operation workin’ for the CIA’s stealth group, unknown to man, you’re dead, got lost
Normal and standard for the moment, ready to mutate into whichever form supports a creed
Nothing to do but fight, eat, sleep deeply in the 7 holes, refresh them to avoid the dire need.

Features of the samples you get before your consent to become conceived for the sake of God
Invisible and without any sensory data to apprehend, the void’s blank, coastal water flood
Bearing down on the purpose and reason for being alive, forced to admit the beast’s nature
To kill, to eat and defeat the prey, defecate the remains, bury it and you and me, our future!

Paper from the wood of the processed tree pulp, we write and type and scratch inky lotions
Words up and words gettin’ down to express the notions, both known and unknown Spirits
When the Earth revolves, it spins causing days and nights of photosynthesized magic potions
Dead men leave words, new men read and argue about the intent of all the World’s fit fights.

Plastic washin’ up on sandy shores along with the oil slicks of the bleeding, crude oil tankers
Carrying toads for the lovers who want to move fast and far, in a hurry or no hurry, hu-men
Who can identify the way to laser every bit of waste in the sea of humanity’s gutless crackers
Those are the ones who boomed, hypnotized the war machine, American woman, I’m free!

For the sake of the main purpose of existence, there’s one thing left to say, short and sweet
If this is not a game, this life is then a mysterious event being hidden from plain sight’s seat
On a throne with the open, holy open pit for wasted germs inhabiting the innermost canals
Necessary and sufficient logical arguments deducing inductions to pass on to all of the pals.

r j j stephan, i
c. September 5th, 2019 A.D. @ 4:44 AM PSt
{ drafted while jammin’ to #GimmeShelter by THE ROLLING STONES #LetItBleed cd on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/EJRdDhnTRoo }
*#GimmeShelter Released on: 1969-12-05 Producer: @JimmyMiller Composer Lyricist: Mick Jagger Composer Lyricist: Keith Richards


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