
Sunday, November 17, 2019

#WhiteLightening & #CountryBoysSippinShineFromTheJar #YourLIvesInTheJars #KeepItRollin' #FullThrottleIntheBottleYo #EvenWhenItsHurtin' #FiveTo8 #BuildItAndTheyWontCome #IdiotLights #ProfanityBarrage #XRATED

Richard Joseph Stephan · Sunday, November 17, 2019
------------ #WORKIN -------------
My face is very important, let’s face it, it’s more than just a saying of happenstance, y’all know
It comes and goes without saying, blue collars and rednecks go hand in hand, an historic flow
From the snow-capped, way high mountaintops to the valleys and on to seven seas’ of sodium
There is never a drought on the planet, it’s merely a thirst of humanity and the species’ scum.

It came creepin’ up on the shores, crawled up onto the sandy beaches of east-west coast bums
Always with me and always with all of us, under the rain and sun showers of neutrinos’ atoms
Punks of ignorance and negligence on the floor, on a groundbreaking Oneness of thin and fat
What you know ‘bout that and what the Truth really is, are two different nothings, that’s scat!

You and I saw our eyes and thought that we found what was lost for a very long time, Love pi
3.14 is the number of pi and it comes in handy when you have geometric progressions of a fly
Moving from a dead heat to a cold start, I ran out of wind and the whole world disappeared
Nothing but Blackness of empty space without burning-up star balls, no, no, God ain’t dead.

Country miles and metropolitan sprawl of the snakes that crawled out of the muck and mire
Created a matrix of Blinded Faith in the Void of the matrix, I believe it all, the pope is on fire
Giving us the lowdown on the gist of the things called, love and hate, reward and punishment
For obeying or disobeying, you will burn up into ash when it’s your Time-Spirit heaven sent.

Ghosts of smoke in these Maseratis ready to give it all up to the gods, shocked monkey brains
Funk of the historical past and the occult moments ahead of the presence of the thing itself, I
It is all there is, it knows it deep inside, the question has been entertained for the mortal sins
If you have a body, you’re a mortal, that’s it, got it? Like a Mississippi roll, deep breath, sigh!

Feed the pig and slice the meat of the flesh and muscle thinly to make the taste of death last
Scents and seasoning to disguise the lessons of killing and eating the dead, I washed up fast
Cleanin’ dead things and recycling the energy and matter through 208 T-bones, fly penguins!
Punks, drunks, statesmen, evil women breeders and philosopher queens, I am U.S. in #ruins.

r j j stephan, i
c. DIMANCHE, BLOVEMBER 17TH, 2019 A.D. @ 6:66 AM PST
{ drafted while dead-jammin’ to some Morganwallen #LittleRain & Big Smo's Kuntry Store #KickinItInTennessee on youTube link @ https://youtu.be/EUnGQ6W5qwM }

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