
Friday, December 13, 2019

@MiraclesArePretendingMagicIsReal #DoYouBelieveInMagic? #PowerTrain @COLTRANE @TRAIN




--------- GOD'S UNMANNED TRUCKS DRIVIN' ON I-5 south ---------

Seen the places that I had to go from the TV screen and LIFE magazines of a high God’s 60’s
When bad men were making good men fight to keep the peace, incarcerated in freeze frames
A oneness from either a guitar, a horn, animals’ skins and the graves of their bones’ hole void
Hubble’s spherical horizon is the edge of an immortal anti-ecosystem of destroy and destruct.

Blown out & sucked in from a microscopic, alpha magnetic spectrometer lookin’ in the atom
Dark matter is God, that is why you reach a Void when you seek to find an Origin, pond scum
Here is the syllogistic defense of the indefensible, professors’ intelligence is ignorance’s hoax
Pretending to be wisdom’s knowledge, the light and sound mix a Void’s cosmic soup, I phixx.

God is Dog spelled backward for a reason right? You know and I know what it is, leap of faith
Do the best you can from a second in Time to seventy or a hundred, DNA’s acid of the wraith
Always here, now, has always been everywhere, always just up the creek by the dog pounds
Press off buttons, pull the chains, speak English in the Tower of Babel, release all my hounds.

Birth defects from the plants being smoked, the food being eaten, the fire water being drunk
Frogs disappeared from the habitat, up from the delta, junction 193 & riverflow off Hwy 49
So cook the 49er miners named it Cool, California because it catered to the miner’s gold ore
Found between basalt rocks and pebbles, it’s a God particle of the matrix’ grape, a fine wine.

At the right time in the right place, the midgets and the giants cast their votes on televisions
Vulnerable and impervious at one and the same time, the immortality is a #FakeNews dream
Given by cardinals, priests, popes and dictatorial human Order of the Void, black jack’s Sins
X marked the spot, we dug down to the core, found gold and buried it to save God’s gold bins.

r j j stephan, i
c. VENDREDI, Freezember 13th, 2019 A.d. @ 4:44 AM PST
{ drafted in a vacuum of full emptiness, all of the Nothing gathered in One place in Space, listenin’ to #ImNoAngel by Gregg Allman on loop link @ https://youtu.be/NWNKHi2joJE }

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