
Thursday, January 23, 2020

#RespectYourself @MavisStaples @StaplesSisters #DontGiveACahoolt

-------------------- #NoDisrespectForYou --------------------
When your smoke pulled into the driveway at the end of the cul-de-sac, you were so discreet
Always only me, myself and I, the prize of your search for the way to get down on easy street
How it is now’s the way it’s been since day 1 on the first ray of sunshine, blown neutron ends
I don’t disrespect the respectable but get that sheet off your face, I’m all on my way to offend.

Everybody knows that everything is everything or it’s nothing, there are no alternatives here
Now is the Time for all good humans to prove their value, their worth for the genome’s Funk
It happens every day and every night, the earth balls swing, sway, spin and drink ale and beer
Foam high above the stein’s lip where ours meet in the touch of liquid sunshine, mother #err.

You walk, crawl or run like a bat out of hell, as if there’s a hell where bats live, it’s just a Hole
Deeply dug into the hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and the space testes for the Deep Space Bowl
Containerized space balls of atomic fission and fusion, dipped into a chocolate human dessert
Dead and gone, historical phantoms who may never have been here at all, in First Place dirt.

OK Corral or the Void of the Singularity’s Event Horizon, respect for yourself will kill a Word
God, your mother and father, the emptiness of the genome before the Big Bang of my old bird
Down in the deep, it’s frozen cold but not quite solid ice, slurp a swallow of my unholy bones
I got here to home, Chicago, L.A. to NYC, hand over my mouth, text the solution of iPhones.

All of me and all of you, all of us, respected or disrespected matters only in the grand illusions
There’s a thing more to life than just One’s existence, birth, death, phuqin’ venial/mortal sins
Where in God’s name or Buddha’s presence in the Now or Siddhartha’s thoughts about Being
Supreme or the least of the molecules atoms, down to the quarks and charm of a Bee’s sting.

Utter nonsense in the realm of the people, the comrades and the slaves of the grind of a Boss
Sheets off of the faces now for a brand new day movin’ on from the darkness to the emptiness
Four score and twenty black birds in a rhubarb pie, swiped off the window sill, sign of a cross
Hand over your mouth, can’t blow wind that hard, the Word won’t hurt divine Eternity’s rest.

Conditions that you’ve found makes your life better than knowing it’s all an accidental crash
Of the men and the rats that roll with the First Cause’s movement of SuperNova caused void
Nothing’s left, this is what it all looks like when you’ve got the sense to see an idiotic scheme
Or Adam or the tiny mitochondria that evolved from the One and Only, dyin’ in my dream.

r j j stephan, i
c. Janvier 23rd, 2020 A.D. @ 8:88 AM PST
{ Jacked this #SMOKE up out of the blue this AM with a crowbar and a jackhammer, this is the way to become immortal before you die! Link to RESPECT YOURSELF, #StaplesSisters 2020 Staples Sister Family Reunion @ https://youtu.be/-1pYKdqD1ls }

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